Monday, September 15, 2014

I have a court case against me for an auto accident that I was presumed to be at fault. 4 people were injured and have claims. My insurance ...


I have a court case against me for an auto accident that I was presumed to be at fault. 4 people were injured and have claims. My insurance only pays $40K split among 4. One of them broke a bone that needed surgery and supposedly my area pays $50K for that. Should I file bankrupcy before the court case in just a couple months, or can you file after and have the debt discharged? My debts on paper for this or that, exceed my assets that are in property valued at $65K. There is also 2 insurance companies that dont want to waive there subrogation rights to suing me if they pay out over and above.


You can file for bankruptcy after the case, but you will need to consult with a bankruptcy attorney to see if you qualify. Be aware that if you were dui and that was a cause of the accident the judgments won't be dischargeable.

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