Wednesday, December 31, 2014

I share legal joint custody of my 17 year old daughter. Ex-wife has physical custody of daughter. Daughter turns 18 end of Oct. I pay child ...


I share legal joint custody of my 17 year old daughter. Ex-wife has physical custody of daughter. Daughter turns 18 end of Oct. I pay child support until she graduates high school 2013. Ex-wife refuses to participate in responsibilities of legal joint custody. I live in a different state than they live.

Question: Do my rights end when she turns 18 or when she graduates?


The order that directs you to pay child support should have language in it that sets for the period of time in which you are responsible for paying child support. Some years ago NM passed a statute that allows child support to continue to be due and owing for kids who are in high school and over the age of 18. However, the decision to order someone to pay support in such a situation is discretionary with the judge. Thus, you have to look at your order and read what the language is in the order as to the duration of the child support obligation; i.e., how long you must pay.

Hope this helps.

Law Guru

30 warranty on used cars in mass. I bought a car and I brought it in for is not repaired. does the 30 day warranty start a date ...

my employer makes me clock out between job sites every day. Sometimes I work up to 10 hours a day and only get paid for the time I spend at ...


my employer makes me clock out between job sites every day. Sometimes I work up to 10 hours a day and only get paid for the time I spend at each job site. Is this legal??


No. This practice is not legal. You should contact an employment lawyer who specializes in wage and hour claims. Alternatively, you can contact the Wage and Hour Division of the Department of Labor and Industry in Pennsylvania. If you need a referral to a wage and hour lawyer, please feel free to contact me.


While commuting is not usually considered time worked for purposes of overtime pay, travel between jobs is considered time worked and must be compensated for. I would need to know more facts to give a better answer. You should contact the US Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division or else consult with an attorney familiar with employment law. I am located in Pittsburgh and may be too far away to assist you, but feel free to contact me if you like. (412) 471-6463

What is an underwriter?

What is an underwriter?
In general terms, an underwriter is defined as a person who assesses risks to be covered by an insurance policy or a person (as an individual or company) who underwrites a security issue.In title insurance terms, the role of the Underwriter is:(a) The company insuring and issuing the title coverage ie: Chicago Title, Stewart Title, United General Title, First American, Attorneys Title Insurance Fund, etc. and;(b) The person with the local title agency who examines the title searches, county records, etc. in order to create a Title Binder or Title Commitment (intent to insure) for the property.Title insurance is the only type of insurance that is typically "underwritten" at the local level by the title agency.Most other types of insurance providers gather information about a car, person or property and then sends that information to a central office for processing and underwriting.An underwriter can also apply to financial industry as in the bank's underwriter or a securities underwriter.

I have a client that got a divorce in a different county can they get an amendment done in a different county


I have a client that got a divorce in a different county can they get an amendment done in a different county


Not without transferring the case.

Someone called DSS with false accusations and i would like to know my legal rights as to what DSS is allowed to do and what they aren't.


Someone called DSS with false accusations and i would like to know my legal rights as to what DSS is allowed to do and what they aren't.


Its just my opinion and you are free to seek others, but you would be wise to cooperate with DSS and be as nice as possible even if the charges are false. DSS plays God and views people like they are all guilty of sexual or physical abuse of the child. While real abuse does happen and is despicable and should be stopped, the system is being gamed by disgrunted parents or others and DSS is too busy fighting the nonsense gripes that don't belong there and ignoring the real abuse.

And I would start looking at my friends, family and neighbors as to potential suspects who may have turned you in so that you can take precautions to avoid that perrson in the future.

If you take an adversarial stance, DSS can take your children away from you. They can seach your home. They can impose onerous conditions on you like force you to attend parenting classes.

If you really are concerned, then get a family lawyer in your county that specializes in these types of cases.

I hope you can help. A friend moved into a condo (landlord owned unit) in Miami, Fl in September 2014. By mid November there is MAJOR constr...


I hope you can help. A friend moved into a condo (landlord owned unit) in Miami, Fl in September 2014. By mid November there is MAJOR construction going on, right beneath his unit. Construction dust all over the place - in his screened in patio/balcony, on cars, etc. Pool is unusable. Noise starts at 8am. He works nights so sleeps late. One day, his car was blocked in by a back hoe, making him late for work. Foreman says this could go on through April 2015. Landlord is ignoring his calls, texts and photos. He doesn't want to break the lease because he doesn't want to go through another move again so soon. But...this is NOT what he signed up for. Legally, is he entitled to a rent reduction? What is the proper procedure to do this when landlord is not responding? I told him to just send a check for $200 a month less along with a letter explaining why, plus photos. And take $200 off each month along with pics until the project is completed. Help appreciated!


His lease agreement controls his rights and obligations. He needs to start by reviewing that with an attorney. there is no statutory entitlement to a rental reduction. either you have quiet enjoyment of your unit or you don't. That said, perhaps the landlord would rather give him a reduction than having to deal with is breaking the lease. this is subject to a negotiation. He needs to hire an attorney to assist him through this process.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

After my gf applied for assistance i received a child support order not sure why application she filled out shows that we live together and ...


After my gf applied for assistance i received a child support order not sure why application she filled out shows that we live together and that she's not working and i am , we just has a baby about 4 months ago also we have a 8 yr old witch isnt mine. not sure what to do ? or where to go with this we do need the assistance since what I'm making is just barely enough to cover expenses for the home


You need to have the paperwork reviewed by an attorney. Sometimes if Mom received any public assistance DOR will bill the BF/Father.

What kind of car is the Half life 2 jalopy?

What kind of car is the Half life 2 jalopy?
It is a 1970 Dodge Charger

What are the five conditions of negotiable instruments that make them legally collectible?

What are the five conditions of negotiable instruments that make them legally collectible?
1.) Must be in writing
2.) Must contain an unconditional promise to pay a definite amount
3.) Must be payable on demand
4.) Must be payable to the order of a particular person or to theholder of the note
5.) Must be delivered to the payee

I know in Ohio you can only sue a doctor within a year from the incident for malpractice. I am wondering if you are still able to sue that d...


I know in Ohio you can only sue a doctor within a year from the incident for malpractice. I am wondering if you are still able to sue that doctor if there are new symptoms caused from a past treatment (8 years ago) from that doctor?


The one year time statute of limitations begins to run only after you discover the symptoms of the malpractice. Call me directly if you want. 216.952.1990


To properly answer your questions, we would like to provide you with a free consultation with one of our attorneys. To schedule your free consultation, please call 1-800-297-9191 or email us at [email protected]/* */

Your consultation can be conducted either over the telephone or in-person.

Thank you.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

How long is Puccini's La Boheme?

How long is Puccini's La Boheme?
It is about 2 hours and 45 minutes. This also may vary depending on how the theatre you are at choses to conduct intermissions.

I pay 1100 a month to my ex for our 3 daughters. My wife insists that I pay my 50 percent of school lunch fees. Isn't food and school lunche...


I pay 1100 a month to my ex for our 3 daughters. My wife insists that I pay my 50 percent of school lunch fees. Isn't food and school lunches covered under child support law?


School lunches are normally included in care and support of a child. The funds you pay to red mpense the mother for care and support, should cover lunches. Who buys lunch on weekends and during the Summer? However, some support agreements can get detailed as to what out of the ho we items are in addition to base child support payments, i.e. dance lessons, sports equipment/uniforms, etc. Examine your Support Order. Then contact the attorney that represented you in the Support case. Ask them if school lunches are incl ded in the $1,100?

Good luck

What is a good website for constructing an online CV?

What is a good website for constructing an online CV?

I currently use a website called which is a really well thought out website. The actual software on site is called iProfile and it has allowed me to construct a CV from scratch.
Upon sign up you are provided with a unique login which allows you to update and amend your CV whenever you want.
Also provided as part of the service is the ability to track your job applications whilst also controlling who has access to your CV.

I would highly recommend miprofile to anyone.

Oh and before I forget its totally FREE!

Jim is willing to sell his watch in order to?

Jim is willing to sell his watch in order to?
buy a comb of his wife long hair

I want to name my children as beneficiaries, which is fine for many of my accounts. However, some are requiring my husband to be listed as b...


I want to name my children as beneficiaries, which is fine for many of my accounts. However, some are requiring my husband to be listed as beneficiary. Why?


They usually have a waiver such that the spouse must sign off. The theory is a spouse can never be disinherited. They can always take against a will if the spouse is trying to keep them out of the estate plan.

warrant indebt has no case number and the phone number listed for the court is the same as the collection agency


warrant indebt has no case number and the phone number listed for the court is the same as the collection agency


Chances are that this is just the copy the plaintiff is required to mail, and that it was filed and you will receive the official one from the sheriff. You can check online to see if it has been filed. To to, click on online services, case status, general district court. Go through the terms and conditions page and then select the court (county) and search by your name.

Can management require you to attend a business dinner when it is not reimbursed or expensed?

Can management require you to attend a business dinner when it is not reimbursed or expensed?
Yes, they can, but you may want to reconsider whether you want to stay with a company that would ask you to do that

What is the weakness of business meetings?

What is the weakness of business meetings?
It decreases the production on the day of the meeting.

What's ideas for life slogan for?

What's ideas for life slogan for?
good for anything

Friday, December 26, 2014

Where should you draw the line between a legitimate business courtesy and AA bribe?

Where should you draw the line between a legitimate business courtesy and AA bribe?
haha.. lol question

What would 2500 in 1930 dollars be worth today?

What would 2500 in 1930 dollars be worth today?
$25,000 dollars

Who are tacky people?

Who are tacky people?
nerds, dorks, and geeks. And people who were ugly clothes

can you be sued if you get something my dad will


can you be sued if you get something my dad will


Please repost with a complete question.

Who is the most famous male tennis player?

Who is the most famous male tennis player?
Andy Murray

How many words on a page of a non fiction book?

How many words on a page of a non fiction book?
It depends on the size of the non-fiction books. Some are the same size as most fiction books, which fits about 200 words. Some are A4, which fits about 500 words.

What are the typical sentences for someone who has two priors with grand theft auto, went to prison once for it, and had picked up new charg...


What are the typical sentences for someone who has two priors with grand theft auto, went to prison once for it, and had picked up new charges six of them including grand theft auto, burglary on an unoccupied conveyance, dealing in stolen property, and defrauding a scrap yard by selling metal, does he stand a chance with a decent lawyer??? What can I expect?


He only stands a chance if he gets a lawyer. As far as sentence there are too many variables. Since he has been to prison in the past it is likely that he scores prison again. How much is impossible to answer. He needs an attorney who can investigate this and other issues to properly answer your question.


Meet with an attorney. Given his history, he may be "scoring" prison. Furthermore, depending on when he was released from prison he may be deemed a "prison releasee reoffender" which will increase the amount of time he faces.

His history and the facts of these current charges will need to be examined thoroughly and he will need the assistance of a criminal defense attorney to defend against the charges.

Natalie Hall, Esq.

[email protected]/* */

(407) 412-7035

What are the release dates for The Baited Trap - 1926?

What are the release dates for The Baited Trap - 1926?
The Baited Trap - 1926 was released on:

USA: September 1926

trinidadian man marries a bahamian woman, they have a son...he wants a divorce and custody, can this be done...there is no fowl play just no...


trinidadian man marries a bahamian woman, they have a son...he wants a divorce and custody, can this be done...there is no fowl play just not in love and happy just wants out and his child


Yes they can get a divorce. If both spouses consent, they can be divorced in 90 days. If one party does not consent, then the parties have to live separate and apart for 2 years prior to divorce.

If there is no custody order entered, either party can take the child. However, the party who wants custody should bring an action for custody of the child. Child custody is comprised of legal and physical custody. Legal custody is almost always joint barring unusual circumstances. As to who will get physical custody, that will depend on the best interests of the child. I don't know the age of the child, if the child can express a preference or any other factors.

The man needs to see a family law attorney in the county in which the parties live and the child resides. Pay an attorney for a consult to review the particulars of your case.

Where can you listen to radio advertisements online?

Where can you listen to radio advertisements online?
There are numerous places to listen to radio advertisement online.Find out if your favorite radio station is online and listen.

After renting for 4 years.. I have fell behind in rent. After my first year of renting, my landlord did not have me sign another lease. I've...


After renting for 4 years.. I have fell behind in rent. After my first year of renting, my landlord did not have me sign another lease. I've been paying month by month. He's asked me to leave. If he serves me an eviction notice, how long do I have before Imust vacant thee property?


Proper notice for a month to month rental is 15 days.

can i be sued for negligence on my part if i am not able to carry out md treatment order. i am therapist who has a client with a pacemaker. ...


can i be sued for negligence on my part if i am not able to carry out md treatment order. i am therapist who has a client with a pacemaker. md ordered electrical stimulation for client to facilitate movement on wrist. although i am certified to do the stimulation, in my years of training, i have known the fact to be that it is contraindicated for pacemaker patients. I have sought discussion boards and the concensus was that it is a no go. My employer and patient wants me to apply it asap and I dont feel comfortable doing the procedure because of lack of knowledge and training on putting stimulation on pacemaker patient. the cardiologist has written a treatment order yesterday and i would like to know what my rights are....


I don't understand what this world has come to. Is your phone broken? Why don't you call the doctor who made the treatment order and discuss your concerns?


Explain your concerns, risks and alternatives to the patient. After you are done explaining put it in writing and have the patient sign that he understands the risks and is willing to accept them. The patient may refuse to sign which will resolve your dilemma.


If you are serious and this is as important as you describe, and you can't resolve it with the prescribing doctor, then document your position and issues in writing to the patient and anyone else involved, advising that you consider it to be improper, and that you can not ethically do the procedure.

How much money is yahoo worth today?

How much money is yahoo worth today?
Yahoo is worth a total of: US$ 1.232 billion (2010)

Were does roc royal get his hats?

Were does roc royal get his hats?
roc royal gets his hats from a paid hat maker

Thursday, December 25, 2014

How do you earn mony form internet?

How do you earn mony form internet?
There are many avenues where you can make money on the net. Some ofthe easiest include: survey completion, data entry, and evencreating profiles.
If you have skills, you can take part in other types of services. Ifor one am an avid League of Legends player. I used my skills to goon others accounts and increase their ratings!

Just remember, if you have skills you can make money in any way!The internet has no limits.

How do you sale online game website?

How do you sale online game website?
you should go and search your website compitior and find the sucess your compitior

What types of metal do they use for skyscrapers?

What types of metal do they use for skyscrapers?

What does s with arrow straight down mean?

What does s with arrow straight down mean?
Snurch. Snake Church

A CD of today my way by Nancy Wilson?

A CD of today my way by Nancy Wilson?
That's very rare. I don't know if they ever put it on cd. If you after just certain songs, I'm sure some of them are on later cds. If you have a method to play an lp & transfer, I see those on Ebay. They have one for 7.00 (US) now.

Is it beneficial to have a lawyer represent you for a first time DUI? What questions do I ask the lawyers to determine which is the best? Is...

okay i live in maquoketa iowa and i have had my name spread thru an artical in the town news paper they normally have things people do in li...


okay i live in maquoketa iowa and i have had my name spread thru an artical in the town news paper they normally have things people do in little police report well they did that when i got arrested but come to find out they have a hole big news artical in the paper this week that has every little bit of what i got charged with things that happen to my friend my house getting raided and my public intoxics all in a huge news artical what can i do bout this


The answer is nothing.

Where do you find wiring diagrams for a 1968 ford F 100?

Where do you find wiring diagrams for a 1968 ford F 100?

Diagrams for F100's 67-72

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

my engine in my 2009 mini cooper failed. There is a class action suit against BMW for this problem. How do I join this suit?


my engine in my 2009 mini cooper failed. There is a class action suit against BMW for this problem. How do I join this suit?


Try calling this number and they may be able to furnish you with information:

Taryn Smith

Kershaw, Cutter & Ratinoff (Attorneys)


My real estate agent gave my name and information to another agent. That agent gave my information to a client that was interested in the ho...


My real estate agent gave my name and information to another agent. That agent gave my information to a client that was interested in the home im purchasing. Is this legal?


Without reviewing the terms of your listing agreement with your agent, I couldn't offer an opinion.

long story short... grandpa passes away, all kids sign over their share of home but 3. sister lives in home over 20 yrs. 2 yrs before passin...


long story short... grandpa passes away, all kids sign over their share of home but 3. sister lives in home over 20 yrs. 2 yrs before passing unknown to anyone as to why, one brother signs his share over to other brother. Can the children of sister sue the one brother who now owns 2/3 share because their mom was the sole person who took care of and did everything for the home? please feel free to ask questions if need more info. Thanks for any feed back we appreciate it!!


Confused. You say ALL kids sign over their share of home but 3. That tells me there are at least 6 kids. Sister, and at least 2 KIDS that signed it over to her (no need to say kidS unless there are at least 2) then the 3 that did not sign. Then you say one brother signs his share to other brother and now owns 2/3. So as I see it sister has her siblings other 2 shares plus hers, and 3 keep their share. Then one gives his to a brother and that leaves him with 2 shares, the sister with 3 shares and the other sibling with 1 share. Sister has 1/2 interest, brother with 2 has1/3 interest and the sibling with 1 share has 1/6th interest. Her percentage of ownership (assuming the transfer of their shares was done properly) would only increase if more than 2 siblings gave her their share. But the sister can Petition in the succession that she should be granted the entire interest in the house because she kept it up for 20 years and took care of the grandfather for the last 2 years.

my little brother has been reciving threating messages via text message..he has just deleted and ignored them is there a way to obtain these...


my little brother has been reciving threating messages via text message..he has just deleted and ignored them is there a way to obtain these messages again and take actions?


Feel free to call me at 810-227-7200 so I can tell you how to proceed.

Jules N. Fiani

Attorney at Law

Over 30 Years Proven Results


Feel free to call me at 810-227-7200 so I can tell you how to proceed.

Jules N. Fiani

Attorney at Law

Over 30 Years Proven Results


Feel free to call me at 810-227-7200 so I can tell you how to proceed.

Jules N. Fiani

Attorney at Law

Over 30 Years Proven Results

Where can you play CarnEvil Online?

Where can you play CarnEvil Online?
Im pretty sure you cant. use a EMULATOR. :)
Im pretty sure you cant. use a EMULATOR. :)

your wrong if you have mac o s x or a PC you can download mame, just search it up
its graet you can play it on your computer fast just download it

What type of surgery did Leah Williams have?

What type of surgery did Leah Williams have?
you figure it out

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

can a landlord enter my home without notice without me being present and without letting me know she had been there I've rented from them fo...


can a landlord enter my home without notice without me being present and without letting me know she had been there I've rented from them for 3 years and have never been late on my rent have had no complaints from neighbors and have had personal property go missing in the time frame they entered my home without my knowledge permission or consent


Your lease agreement controls the right of entry. You would have to prove the personal property was removed by landlord or agent. That is not as easy as they were there and the stuff is missing. You would need to show no other potential thieves or the items in their hands. Not an easy task

Is it possible to create and add an English name (first name that is not shown in Passport, Drivers' license, Birth Certificate, or Alien ca...


Is it possible to create and add an English name (first name that is not shown in Passport, Drivers' license, Birth Certificate, or Alien card) to legal name when immigrants apply for U.S. citizenship?

It looks like it is very difficult for people to remember foreign names and make spelling mistakes. I consider making an English name and register it with the government for the purpose of convenience. Thanks in advance.


As part of an application for U.S. citizenship, the applying resident alien may request, and be granted, a new name. This new name would be reflected in the Citizenship certificate that the Immigration Service would give to the applying resident when granted citizenship.

If you have any further questions about the citizenship process before the US Immigration Service, you would need to talk to an immigration attorney. If you are interested in speaking to an attorney that will orient you in this type of matter and explain what you can expect in this process, contact our office at (888) 790-5053 and/or visit our website at


Please call me at (212) 968-8600. Kind regards, RDM

What are some benefits from being a video game programmer?

What are some benefits from being a video game programmer?
88k88kYou get to express you creativity and make your own virtual world for millions of other to play in
You get to be on the cutting edge of programming in general! The best programmers in the world make games. Challenging and rewarding career. Fun industry. Be prepared to WORK HARD.

If you are on Medicaid does an inheritance affect eligibility? In this case it is being used to pay debts. It changes the income part of the...


If you are on Medicaid does an inheritance affect eligibility? In this case it is being used to pay debts. It changes the income part of the equation, but not the bottom line.


It may affect the qualification for Medicaid so if you are expecting an inheritance, then a Medicaid trust should be put into place so that the medicaid recipient does not receive the amounts outright but the trust can hold the funds for their benefit and still qualify them for Medicaid.

What is a feather pen?

What is a feather pen?
Well, usually it is a pen made out of a feather, and also known as a Quill pen. Before the advent of some of our current (and very cool) writing instruments, people made their own, calligraphy-like pens out of feathers... dipped them in ink, and then wrote. Feathers have a natural area where more ink can be held than say, a stick. ... So they worked well. They still make pens out of feathers now, but it is less about the functional aspects than about the look. Now people think they look stylish, so you will still see them used as pens in weddings sometimes, even when they actually just hooked a dumb Bic-like pen to the end of a feather.Here is an interesting article about quill pens:

What is a p snrf in cars?

What is a p snrf in cars?
power sunroof

Monday, December 22, 2014

How do you monogram 3 initials?

How do you monogram 3 initials?
Your first name initial, your last name initial, and your middle name initial is last. It is popular to get this kind of monogram on your collar or equipment in the English equestrian world (horseback riding)

Where do most UK celebs live?

Where do most UK celebs live?
I am guessing somewhere in the UK. Like England or something like that.....

What does perform service light mean on 2008 pacifica?

What does perform service light mean on 2008 pacifica?
can mean alot...take it to a professional and if it starts blinking, pull over and call a tow truck.....

What are the release dates for Crisis Counselor - 1982 Bisexual Marriage 1-138?

What are the release dates for Crisis Counselor - 1982 Bisexual Marriage 1-138?
Crisis Counselor - 1982 Bisexual Marriage 1-138 was released on:

USA: 20 August 1982

What will be the distant traveled by the car after 90min's?

What will be the distant traveled by the car after 90min's?
is this question for real ? it would depend on how fast you are driving, if you are driving 60 mile per hour, i hour = 60 minutes = 60 miles, 30 more minutes is 30 more miles so at 60 mph you would drive 90 miles in 90 minutes, if you drive 80 mph it would be 120 miles in 90 minutes

a good friend has passed away, leaving me moveies in his trust. I think it is monies that will be sent monthly to me. my question is, if it ...


a good friend has passed away, leaving me moveies in his trust. I think it is monies that will be sent monthly to me. my question is, if it is monthly payouts, what if I'd like to make a large purchase , like a home. is that possible if it has been set up as monthly payouts?


How you receive money from a trust is controlled by the trust language. Generally, if the trust is set up to pay you a monthly amount, that is all you are entitled to receive. You should have an attorney review the trust to go over the provisions that are applicable to your situation.


It is not possible to answer your question without seeing the trust instrument, which will contain the terms of your gift. Ask for a copy of the trust.

What is the different between expenditures for repair are 'expenses' and expenditures for improvement are 'capitalized'?

What is the different between expenditures for repair are 'expenses' and expenditures for improvement are 'capitalized'?
Repairs only restore an asset to the value it previously had, while improvements increase the value of an asset. If the air conditioning unit in a house broke, its value would drop; once repaired, it would be restored to the same value as it had before it broke. But if an entirely new AC system was installed in a house that never had one (an improvement), it would increase the value of the home beyond its original value.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

What is invention of tomorrow?

What is invention of tomorrow?
pickles and cheese

I have a 3 year old daughter im not to close with the babys mother but im still in her life i wanted to get her last name changed to mine ho...


I have a 3 year old daughter im not to close with the babys mother but im still in her life i wanted to get her last name changed to mine how will i go about doing so


You may petition the court for the change of name. However, you will have to obtain permission from the mother.


I live in Georgia and paid a retailer to have hardwood floors installed. We were promised that the floor would be made level and it was not....


I live in Georgia and paid a retailer to have hardwood floors installed. We were promised that the floor would be made level and it was not. Now, 28 days later, the floor is popping due to the glue being dry before the planks being laid and planks are splitting near where the floor is unleveled. We called to use the installation warranty. The manager of the install company came out and agreed that the floor was not installed properly and that the subflooring was not corrected as we paid for however he will not issue a refund. He has only offered to fix the scratch on one half of the floor but not the other, even though he agrees that the gluing process was also wrong over the entire floor. Are we obligated to allow him to "fix" the problem on one half of the floor and take a patch job on the other half or can we demand the refund?


Same answer as the last time you posted this.


You had your answer - we still don't have the paperwork (and you did not bother to mention it when you reposted).

How old is weatherman john Elliott?

How old is weatherman john Elliott?
55 I think

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Can a crankshaft damper be welded?

Can a crankshaft damper be welded?
No Because it is made out of rubber

When I was married 15 years ago, I owned my own home and she moved in with me. 5 years ago we were divorced, and in the divorce papers, my e...


When I was married 15 years ago, I owned my own home and she moved in with me. 5 years ago we were divorced, and in the divorce papers, my ex-wife was granted 50% of the equity I had in my house (which was $20K). I had 5 years to pay her the $20K, but the housing market crashed as you well know, and at this time I owe more on my mortgage than the house is worth, so there is no equity left in my house. Do I have any legal grounds to try and get this removed from the divorce agreement? Thank you - Tom


You will need to take the Final Judgment and Marital/Mediated Settlement Agreement to an attorney for review. The language and context of the judgment and/or Agreement will determine what rights if any you have.

If the granting of the amount was spousal support it may be modified, however if it was simply a property settlement for purposes of equitable distribution, it cannot be modified.

Meet with an attorney.


You have to pay her the 20k. Contact my office for free consultation 727-446-7659

My mother died last summer with assets consisting of house, the property it sits on, and a sizable 401k account she retired with. My older s...


My mother died last summer with assets consisting of house, the property it sits on, and a sizable 401k account she retired with. My older sister is the executor of the estate. She is non-communicative and won't talk to me. Am I entitled to a copy of the will? Also, am I entitled to see a copy of the beneficiary list for the 401k?


Did your sister open a probate? As an heir you are entitled to notice, an inventory, and an accounting. You need to contact a lawyer to help you out.

What is national art in history?

What is national art in history?
Art history is exactly what it sounds like: the history of art. Although, since the meaning "art" is a gray area, it would be safe to say that art history encompasses the history of visual culture....

In Missouri, will support be paid through full time student in college


In Missouri, will support be paid through full time student in college


If depends upon facts that you don't give us. You should consult with an attorney. You can call me for a free telephone consultation. The child support statute provides for a child support Order to remain in effect until the child reaches the age of 21 or graduates, provided that very specific requirements are met.

is it illegal to post flyers about a homewrecker


is it illegal to post flyers about a homewrecker


Obviously, more details are necessary. One would need to be careful about making false accusations, invasion of privacy, etc.

What is a company-sponsored DRIP Dynamic Wealth Management asks?

What is a company-sponsored DRIP Dynamic Wealth Management asks?
In this arrangement, once you have purchased at least one share, dividends paid on all holdings are used to buy new shares. That first share must be registered in
your name, not in street name. Note that a company-sponsored DRIP might be run by the company directly, or by a bank. The latter arrangement tends to lead to fees that quickly become onerous for small investors (more later).

It is a dividend reinvestment plan offered by a public company to promote long term stock ownership. The plan typically allows for an investor to invest and reinvest dividends in the company's stock.

What are the release dates for Here Cums Santa Clause - 2001 - V?

What are the release dates for Here Cums Santa Clause - 2001 - V?
Here Cums Santa Clause - 2001 - V was released on:

USA: 2001

My girlfriend works for a company certifying casino games for legal compliance. I have been offered a job with a game manufacturer. My girlf...


My girlfriend works for a company certifying casino games for legal compliance. I have been offered a job with a game manufacturer. My girlfriend doesn't work on games from this company and our jobs do not interact. Her company has decided that this is a conflict of interst. How much leverage do we have to fight? Does it matter if we live together or not?


In an at-will employment State, such as Nevada, the employer can fire any employee for any non-discriminatory reason, at will, unless there is a written employment contract to the contrary. Your attorney can explain further.

My sons father and I have joint custody. He is allowed every other weekend (standard visitation) and every year we are to take turns claimin...


My sons father and I have joint custody. He is allowed every other weekend (standard visitation) and every year we are to take turns claiming my son on taxes. Since my sons father has not paid any child support, uses his visitation at a minimum, and my son does not spend the night with him, I feel he should not be allowed to claim him on taxes because he has not supported the child. What do I need to do to make it so he can not claim him on his taxes? If he would have supported, it would not be an issue to take turns.


This cannot be answered without a lawyer seeing your court order. You may need to file a contempt and/or modification.

In Nov 2013 I filed a suit with a local attorney regarding the death of my daughter. I completed paperwork from the other party's attorney a...


In Nov 2013 I filed a suit with a local attorney regarding the death of my daughter. I completed paperwork from the other party's attorney and gave the forms to my attorney in the spring of 2014. To date my attorney has not gave me copies of my paperwork after numerous requests. Additionally he has not pursued my case and he either does not return my calls or on occasion when I do speak with him he says I will start now to focus on your case and then months go by without any follow up. What do I do?


It sounds like you would be better off with another attorney.

Why commerce is so important?

Why commerce is so important?
i am young Nepali 27 y . i want to be pilot of international . so i dont want when com plate my course in Nepali . so AM mail to you last summery .
+977 9808 664455

My current employer say Employer A has initiated my Green Card process and have filed PERM with priority date 01/08/2015, yet to be approved...


My current employer say Employer A has initiated my Green Card process and have filed PERM with priority date 01/08/2015, yet to be approved. My H1B 6 year period expires on 01/17/2016. Recently I got an offer from Employer B who has initiated H1B transfer and requested USCIS H1B period till 01/17/2016. However the attorney representing Employer B has also recommended that he can use the existing PERM case# A-xxxx-xxxx filed by Employer A and file a new PERM on behalf of Employer B requesting to give me an extension of year after 01/17/2016 as my PERM was filed 1 year before H1B 6 year period got over.

My question, is this option possible? Where Employer B can file another PERM with existing PERM Case# filed by Employer A? If yes, is it ok?


There are two different issues here.

First, if a person reaches his 6 year maximum stay in H-1B status but has a PERM case that has been pending 365 days or more, then a 7th year H-1B extension is possible. However, chances are your first PERM case will be adjudicated soon, as long as it has not already been subject to an Audit. If the PERM case is approved soon, then you would need an approved I-140 petition in order to be able to extend your H-1B visa beyond 6 years.

Second, a foreign worker can have multiple PERM cases filed by different employers, however, the same rules apply for an H-1B extension beyond 6 years, as specified above.


Please call me at (800) 750-1828 to discuss your case and matters. Kind regards, RDM

A career diplomat was posted to Dublin as Australian ambassador to Ireland. Her husband accompanied her but did not fit well into Irish dipl...


A career diplomat was posted to Dublin as Australian ambassador to Ireland. Her husband accompanied her but did not fit well into Irish diplomatic circles. The husband returned to Australia, with the diplomat promising to pay him an agreed monthly allowance. After a few months, the diplomat stopped making payments. Her husband did not want to take divorce proceeding because of his religious beliefs, but decided to sue to collect the amount unpaid.

Would the husband succeed in the action against his wife?


You're kidding, right?

Describe characteristics of dynamic and stable enviorenments?

Describe characteristics of dynamic and stable enviorenments?
Dynamic, as the name suggests, is always changing. It is very hard to follow a dynamic environment
A stable environment is something that doesn't change or doesn't change often.

How many gcses do you need to become a firefighter?

How many gcses do you need to become a firefighter?
you need to take the following: maths, english, science, p.e, anything phyiscall

Friday, December 19, 2014

What are the release dates for I Led 3 Lives - 1953 Day Camp - 2.10?

What are the release dates for I Led 3 Lives - 1953 Day Camp - 2.10?
I Led 3 Lives - 1953 Day Camp - 2.10 was released on:

USA: 1954

For a personal (automobile) injury case: Is there a way to be compensated or take a draw off of the at fault parties insurance policy prior ...


For a personal (automobile) injury case: Is there a way to be compensated or take a draw off of the at fault parties insurance policy prior to actually settling? Surgery is required and will be out of work for a minimum of 30 days. I'm concerned about the short term financial impact that will be incurred. The person that is at fault has automobile insurance. I'm also looking for a good reputable attorney to represent me moving forward.


To properly answer all your questions, we would like to offer you a free consultation with one of our attorneys. Your free consultation can take place either over the telephone or in-person.

To schedule your free consultation, please contact James Luna at 1-800-297-9191 or email him at [email protected]/* */

We look forward to hearing from you.


Yes. And we can recommend a good auto injury lawyer as well. Call us at 216-241-2510 or email me at [email protected]/* */ We are not a PI firm but regularly refer clients.

How is coffee shipped?

How is coffee shipped?
Coffee is shipped out from origin countries (the nations which grow and process coffee cherries) in a green coffee form. The product will remain fresher longer when unroasted. The green coffee beans are placed in burlap sacks which weigh between 120-150 lbs. The burlap sacks usually have some sort of origin identification on the; i.e. nation, region, plantation specifics. But the origin of most coffee consumed in the US is removed from the consumer's visibility, and as long as coffee drinkers don't know where their coffee comes from, they will remain unlikely to ask about the quality of life where the coffee grows.

I own a company in Tx and sell gift certificates. I have someone threatening to sue because they want their money back on the gift cert. On ...

I Stop to a gas station to get some gas went in the store to pay and cashier said he already started the pump and I said I haven't paid he s...


I Stop to a gas station to get some gas went in the store to pay and cashier said he already started the pump and I said I haven't paid he said I ASSUMED YOUR DAD WAS GOING TO FILL UP MY TANK..."my dad is a regular there " the total came up to be $57 I didn't have that much he said pay or he call the police they can I had to give my last 45and the officer said come back and pay the rest I was solo hurt crying and embarrassed in front of other customers because his assumptions


What is your question? If you got $X worth of gas, then you owed $X. If you got more gas then you could pay for, sure the owner or manager is going to be angry. From your post, although it is not clear at all, the gas station is the party who has the right to complain about something.

What inventions does Iceland get credit for?

What inventions does Iceland get credit for?
The first car in the world

Do people commit suicide in the movie 300?

Do people commit suicide in the movie 300?
Yes in the movie you can see the men just jump off because they know that they would be pushed off otherwise.

I am attempting to collect security owed from my former landlords. I've already been awarded the monies form the court yet they have failed ...


I am attempting to collect security owed from my former landlords. I've already been awarded the monies form the court yet they have failed to pay. I've filed a transcript of judgment with the court and I've picked up the T439 form. The form requires the debtors SS# and place of employment, however they do not work and only collect social security and/or disability payments. Should I still complete the rest of the info on the form, or is there another way to try to collect monies owed?



T439 is the wrong form. If there are tenants in the space you can have the marshal levy on their rent payments and make the tenants pay you. There are other ways. Perhaps you will sell the building out from under them. Look at your old rent checks: where were they deposited? Serve a restraining notice on that bank and you will get their attention.

Is there a cheat for poke balls?

Is there a cheat for poke balls?
Yes there is a cheat for it in emerald which i have but if u use it ur key items will be messed:
Have all Poke balls
085938bb 99ff313d
2dafd739 5d796510

If you get felony possession where inmates are housed, does prop 47 benefit you in reduction of charges to misdemeanor?


If you get felony possession where inmates are housed, does prop 47 benefit you in reduction of charges to misdemeanor?


If charged with possession in prison (Penal Code 4530), it is NOT affected by Prop 47.


Mr.Dane is correct. The same goes if it was in county jail.

Is hsbc very competitive with other online businesses?

Is hsbc very competitive with other online businesses?
HSBC Direct is very competitive with other online businesses. It has showed that in the past year. It has kept up with all the other popular online banking businesses.

My parents green card application is in process (I130 and I485) concurrent filing. I applied for their Masshealth and they got approved for ...


My parents green card application is in process (I130 and I485) concurrent filing. I applied for their Masshealth and they got approved for Health Safety Net. Will using Health Safety Net make them a public charge and affect their green card application? They won't be using long term nursing though.




Hello please call me at (212) 968-8600. Kind regards, RDM

It is my first time to register copyright of volume 1 of a book. Should I register it as a single serial issue or a literary work when the v...


It is my first time to register copyright of volume 1 of a book. Should I register it as a single serial issue or a literary work when the volume 2 will be registered in the next year under the same series title but with the different title)? I would greatly appreciate if you could answer to me today since I am in the middle of registration process.


It is a literary work in this context. Another edition, if substantively different would then be registered before publication. If you are seeking to protect the title, this is a trademark matter and only those works that are part of a series can protect the titles. Titles to single creative works are not subject to copyright protection.

I could very well be missing your question, so you might want to get some guidance on the filing.

If you would like to discuss further over a free phone consult, feel free to contact me anytime that is convenient.

Our firm is now referred by the American Bar Association (see under the New York section):

Kind regards,



[email protected]/* */

DISCLAIMER: this is not intended to be specific legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. No attorney-client relationship is formed on the basis of this posting.

I live in California. My ex had a child, claims it was mine, yet never told me about it till I found out about two months after he was born....


I live in California. My ex had a child, claims it was mine, yet never told me about it till I found out about two months after he was born. I bought a paternity test and went to her house but they wouldn't let me see her or the child. They do not want me in his life. I was never officially claimed as the father so I have no legal connection to him as of yet. If I leave them alone, as is there wish, can she ever come after me for child support or any other sort of money issues?


Should she ever attempt to collect child support you should be allowed to have paternity test performed.

Who is the inventor of the oculus rift?

Who is the inventor of the oculus rift?
A funny man named jenkins

Why is vozrozhdeniya forbidden?

Why is vozrozhdeniya forbidden?
because they found there a body of the dead queen kate thay

How do you make reservations on the queen of Clarksville?

How do you make reservations on the queen of Clarksville?
Get them high and then hump the hot babe up!

My husband's cousin and his wife have abandoned their 3 children, wife has been in jail almost a month now and husband is missing. Well the ...


My husband's cousin and his wife have abandoned their 3 children, wife has been in jail almost a month now and husband is missing. Well the kids stay with his aunt, whom has temporary custody over them at this time. We are wanting to adopt the youngest of the three. How do we go about this quickly? Also, my husband is in the Military, so we are in Rapid City SD and all of this is taking place in Rabun county Ga. Money is tight so, flying back and forth multiple times is an issue. Please help with any kind of advise if you can. Thank you!


You cannot adopt with the consent of one, or better yet, both parents. The adoption will likely be very hard without your presence since the court will order a home study and you, your husband and the child will have to appear in court. Speak to an adoption attorney in Rabun County. This cannot be done without counsel.


An adoption is too complicated a process to respond by a short post. If the parents do not consent, it will be more difficult. You really need to seek out an attorney in or around Rabun County who is knowledgeable about adoptions. You can probably set up a consult over the phone. I wouldn't even think about proceeding without an attorney.

What do i need to get a short cert in Philadelphia,PA?


What do i need to get a short cert in Philadelphia,PA?


You need to begin estate administration by probating, or filing, a Will of the deceased person, if there was a Will, or if there was no Will, by applying for Letters of Administration, at the Office of the Register of Wills for the County where the deceased resided at the time of death. In either case, you will need an original death certificate, the original Will, if there was one, and your own photo ID. If there was no Will, you must be one the relatives permitted to serve as a Personal Representative of the Estate under PA law. You may call the Register of Wills' Office to get information about that. The staff will give you some guidance but it will not give you legal advice.


* If the answers to your question confirm that you have a valid issue or worthwhile claim, your next step should almost always be to establish a dialog with a lawyer who can provide specific advice to you. Contact a lawyer in your county or township.

* Another reason for contacting a lawyer is that it is often impossible to give a good answer in the Internet Q&A format without having more information. The unique circumstances of your situation and things that you may not have thought to mention in your question may completely change the answer. If you want to be sure that you have a complete answer to your question and an understanding of what that answer means, establish a connection with a lawyer who practices in the area of your concern.


What Attorney Jacobson said. A short certificate is a document indicating that you are the personal representative of the estate. In order to get one you have to first be appointed by filing the will, if any, and by applying for probate and issuance of letters. The court/register of wills grants the petition and issues the certificate. You can then use the certificate to give to banks or any other entities which have custody of the deceased. Once presented with the certificate they will release such property to you for you to put into the estate so you can pay estate bills and transfer any remaining assets to the decedent's heirs/beneficiaries.

What is the difference between external and internal audits?

What is the difference between external and internal audits?
An internal audit is conducted by the organization itself or a firm hired by them; it is a self examination. An external audit is done by an outside agency that reports to the firm's stockholders, or to another party, such as a business, a bank, or the IRS.
An external audit is usually from an outside auditing company like Deloitte & Touche, Ernst & Young, etc. These companies will visit the client company for a designated period to review the books. An internal audit is usually done by employees within a company. This is to maintain controls and prevent any mistakes.
An internal audit is done by the company itself. An external audit is done by auditors not under the influence of the company being audited.

Is there a peaceful way to change the government in America?

Is there a peaceful way to change the government in America?
The process of rebellion can be peaceful. But the intention of a peaceful rebellion means nothing if government does not submit to the verbal will of the electorate.

What is the meaning business in the black?

What is the meaning business in the black?
It means that a company is doing good financially.

I have a debt that is from 7-8 years ago and part of it is for a apartment and they can't find information on my other room mates so I'm bei...


I have a debt that is from 7-8 years ago and part of it is for a apartment and they can't find information on my other room mates so I'm being held responsible for everything


If this debt is 7-8 years old, you must learn about the FDCPA and statute of limitations. The collection agency or original debtor may not be able to collect and they could be liable for damages if they try to sue on this debt.

Please speak with an attorney if they file suit and to demand that they stop any collection activities.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

hello,I am currently 6 months into a 1 year lease. My current roommate wants to sublease to move in with her boyfriend. My apartment wants m...



I am currently 6 months into a 1 year lease. My current roommate wants to sublease to move in with her boyfriend. My apartment wants me to resubmit a new leasing application with the new person subleasing. My only problem is that my credit has been bad in the last 6 months. What are my options?


Discuss the details of any credit problems with your landlord. Does the 6 months history help you out with them or not? It is really not a legal question so much as a business question. what will the landlord accept.

What are 3 major cities in Maryland?

What are 3 major cities in Maryland?
gayland upthebuttland and marylandisgayland

I had my check book stolen from my town home. Someone had written themselves a check and signed my name and cashed it. I filled for fraud wi...


I had my check book stolen from my town home. Someone had written themselves a check and signed my name and cashed it. I filled for fraud with the bank and filled a police report. A month later the bank denied my claim and will not give me my money back that was stolen from me or the money that went in from direct deposit. Is there anyway I can get my money back.


If the bank won't return the money to your account, you'll need to file a lawsuit against them. If the amount is less than $10,000, you can take them to small claims courts.


Yes there is. Why did the bank deny giving you the money back. Perhaps a letter from an attorney will help.

818 345 0123

The law firm holding my fathers will has closed and I've been unable to reach anyone from that law firm. He has no other copy. Is there a le...


The law firm holding my fathers will has closed and I've been unable to reach anyone from that law firm. He has no other copy. Is there a legal forms repository or similar where closed law firms hold relevant documents for their clients?


Contact the State Bar. I believe they have services for firms winding up their practices that might be able to help you track it down.


I agree with Mr. McCormick. Contacting the State Bar is your best bet.

What is corporate world?

What is corporate world?
Corporate is a metaphor referring to the business community.Professionals differentiate between working in white-collaredbusiness environment in comparison to blue-collared industryworkers.

Will my arctic cat sink in a 10 foot bog?

Will my arctic cat sink in a 10 foot bog?
Yes it will sink in a bog i got stuck and my dad pulled my arctic cat out.
It is not safe alone.You cant risk chances in a bog

Longview, Texas - Divorce question. Attorney that did the decree, didn't follow the instructions given to him by the wife, his client, and t...


Longview, Texas - Divorce question. Attorney that did the decree, didn't follow the instructions given to him by the wife, his client, and the language he entered regarding a retirement settlement said something totally different, and now they are trying to get it modified. It was done in 2008 originally. Both spouses are in agreement that it needs to be changed to what they intended it to say but the attorney they have working on it is having a difficult time trying to find a way to get it in front of the judge. She was misled by the attorney that it said what she wanted it to say, but it actually doesn't.


This is a complicated situation, which is why the divorced couple have retained an attorney to unravel it. Let that attorney do her job - especially since there is no way for someone to offer anything helpful without far more information and without the documents to review. Attorneys often disagree on language, but once the QDRO is acceptable to the court, the clients, and the plan provider, the funds will disburse.

What animation software did eddsworld use?

What animation software did eddsworld use?
Adobe Flash CS3, and a Wacom Cintiq 12wx currently to draw.

If i am on a 5 year probation with youthful offender, may i still apply to the new york police department? If i can't, may i expunge the rec...


If i am on a 5 year probation with youthful offender, may i still apply to the new york police department? If i can't, may i expunge the record then apply?


Usually juvenile cases are sealed and if this was a juvenile case, you could probably still apply. Youthful offender is a higher age group and you need to see an attorney about this one, as to whether you can ask to have it sealed. New York does not expunge cases.

What are some 18 and under clubs in so-cal?

What are some 18 and under clubs in so-cal?
If your under 18 you can go and drink alcohol but remember to bring ID..

What are the release dates for X-F-L- - 2001 2001-02-10?

What are the release dates for X-F-L- - 2001 2001-02-10?
X-F-L- - 2001 2001-02-10 was released on:

USA: 10 February 2001

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

How much will a failure to stop at flashing bus lights cost in Dalton Georgia?

How much will a failure to stop at flashing bus lights cost in Dalton Georgia?
"Failure to stop for school bus," is a mandatory court appearanceoffense at the City of Dalton, Georgia. The municipal fine as ofJune, 2014 itself is 777.00 $USD plus the possibility of additionalfees and enhancements based on the court & prosecutorialdiscretion.

Why is poetry taught as literacy when it's an art?

Why is poetry taught as literacy when it's an art?
Literacy is to do with words, which is what poetry uses.
However, poetry is not normally 'taught' in literacy classes, only the basics which concern the use of language.

Currently unemployed and determination hasn't been reached yet to receive unemployment benefits and I have to fill out a financial statement...


Currently unemployed and determination hasn't been reached yet to receive unemployment benefits and I have to fill out a financial statement for court to modify child support. Since unemployment benefits haven't been determined or paid yet, do I enter $0 for wages?


Yes. Then, you can explain to the Court why you have zero income. If the determination is made before the hearing, then you need to update your information with the Court. You would need to file a new Financial Statement Form.


Yes, with an explanation to the court that unemployment compensation claim is pending.

Misdemeanor C - child unattended in vehicleI left my mature 12 yr. old in car w/ a 5 month old about 25 min. while I got some things in sto...


Misdemeanor C - child unattended in vehicle

I left my mature 12 yr. old in car w/ a 5 month old about 25 min. while I got some things in store. I work as a Youth Leader @ my church & plan to become a substitute teacher. With this on my record I doubt these could be apart of my life anymore. Not being aware of having a 14 year old in car law and not intentionally harming anyone - what are the odds of getting this misdemeanor not put on my record.

Have not paid tickets or went to municipal court yet.

Thank you


Re: Misdemeanor C - child unattended in vehicle

It appears that you have not entered a plea, yet. If this is true, you must talk to an attorney immediately. Depending on the circumstances, there may be some things that you can do that will not result in a conviction record. Again, depending on choices that you make and what you can arrange with the prosecutor, even the arrest may be able to be expunged. Most options will eliminate the opportunity to clear the record.

I get meds from Aetna RX ( my health insurance) For 4 years I have been ordering 3 perscriptions and getting billed. 3 months ago, they told...


I get meds from Aetna RX ( my health insurance) For 4 years I have been ordering 3 perscriptions and getting billed. 3 months ago, they told me they can't bill me anymore and I need to pay up front. Unable to pay for all 3, I ordered one med and they told me I can do a electronic check payment over the phone, a one time authorization payment.I made it clear this was a one time authorization. I gave them my check number and routing number for the one only purchase and I recieved meds. I didn't authorize anymore to deducted in the future nor for them to keep my bank info on file. On Jan 16th I recieved a call from Aetna RX that my doctor sent refills and ordered for me. I told the rep I didn't order, she said "should I ship or not" and I said " Are you going to bill me?" she replied "Yes" I asked again one final time and told her "ship meds if I I will be billed for meds" she again replied " You will get billed for them" So they shipped them last week, and arrived Jan 26. Today (Jan 27) I look at my bank account and they, without my permission or authorization, dedcucted the amount out of my checking account. I immediatly called them and told I did not authorize that transaction, and they tried to say,"according to there records I did" That is simply not true. They do not have written or verbal consent to deduct anything from my account and certainly not for this purchase. I am demanding they put those funds back into my account. If they refuse, what course of legal action can I take. I will file complaints with Federal Trade Commission and Pennsylvania Attorney General office for starters. Can I seek punitive damages for illegally removing funds from my account without authorization? How should I proceed? Please advise. Sincerely James Fleming


No you cannot seek punitive damages.

Try disputing this charge with your bank immediately as well as with the company.

In the future, you pay by credit card, not with a check. Once the company has your routing and bank account information they can raid your account.

My Mothers family trust where all her sisters and herself were given property and a home in the hills of NC for their life . This is a last ...


My Mothers family trust where all her sisters and herself were given property and a home in the hills of NC for their life . This is a last man standing trust with trustee assigned to the trust. My cousin not a trustee or his mother a trustee of the trust pulled a permit and signed his name as owner of said home . Now a suit has already been started and ejection notice will be given soon. I would like to know what laws have been broken for signing a permit as owner and not being a owner of said property. He took a very old home rustic and historic and gutted it. None of the trustee gave permission for him to do what he did .I would like to know if a criminal law as been broken for fraud and what else .What type of penalty could be assigned to him if found guilty. Thank You in advance !


You don't ask a sensible question. No attorney is going to answer you without first reviewing the language in the trust and the documents allegedly signed by the relatives. Obviously, if the trust owns the property and someone who is not a trustee falsely signed documents, then a forgery has occurred and criminal charges can be filed. It is impossible to know what the penalties will be as they will vary depending on if its a felony or misdemeanor and its grade (there are different classes with some being more severe than others). Also, prior criminal history would factor in to any punishment. Such a question should be directed at criminal law attorneys who are better versed in the criminal laws. It would not take a very imaginative prosecutor to dream up more potential crimes besides forgery but it would depend on the exact circumstances.

Since a lawsuit has been filed, I suggest you speak with attorney handling the case for the trustee and other beneficiaries if you are one of the beneficiaries as he/she will be most familiar with the facts.

I am a non-exempt employee in California. For the past 6 months, my boss has repeatedly tried to get me to join a gym and to join him and ot...


I am a non-exempt employee in California. For the past 6 months, my boss has repeatedly tried to get me to join a gym and to join him and other team members to workout on our lunch break.

I am not interested in joining the gym as I already have a gym at my apartment building and am not interested in paying additional monthly fees. I have clearly told this to my boss several times, but he continues to bring up me joining the gym on a weekly basis. I asked him if the company would cover the membership if it was so important to him, but he said it was something I needed to figure out on my own (and pay for.)

Now today, approximately 6 months after he first started asking me to join the gym, he brought up my non-attendance to these gym outings in my monthly performance review, saying it showed I'm not a team player. On the written review he wrote "Focus area for next month-engage office and team: go to the gym with us."

What recourse do I have available? I do not want to have to spend my wages on a gym membership, nor do I want him telling me what to do with my lunch break. However, it is becoming apparently clear that this issue is affecting his evaluation of my performance.

How do you recommend I proceed?


Your boss is violating the law in multiple respects. First, your off-duty meal period is just that: off-duty. It is YOUR time and your boss has no business telling you how to spend it. Thus, if he requires you to go to the gym with co-workers during your lunch, he has failed to provide you with a meal period and owes you an hour of extra pay for each day he requires you to do so, PLUS he must pay you for the time you are at the gym.

Next, if your employer requires that you attend a gym, then the employer must pay the membership dues. This is codified in California Labor Code section 2802, which requires employers to "indemnify" employees for expenses that the employee incurred at the direction of the employer.

Finally, retaliating against you (such as writing a negative review) because you stick up for your employee rights is also a violation of the law.

You should document everything in writing. Keep a copy of your performance review at home. If your performance review includes a space for you to respond, you might want to consider writing something respectful that states your desire to spend your lunch break as you see fit, and that you should not be required by your employer to spend your hard-earned wages on something that you neither need nor want. You may also want to write your boss an email describing the situation and informing him of what the law requires--again, respectfully.

However, telling your boss that the law is on your side might make him even more upset and might cause him to retaliate against your further. While it is illegal for your boss to retaliate against you, it doesn't mean he won't do it.

In short, you are in a tough spot, with a boss who just doesn't get it. It is really up to you whether and how you want to respond to your boss. But know that the law is on your side. And again, document everything in writing (even if it's just in your own personal journal). If this situation leads to litigation, having things in writing will be extremely valuable for your case.

Good luck!

How far back can someone go on a child support order whithout an actual order?In October of last year, my 15 year old son made the decision ...


How far back can someone go on a child support order whithout an actual order?

In October of last year, my 15 year old son made the decision that he wanted to live with his father instead of me. My ex husband did a child custody modification that changed the custodial parent to him. The paperwork kept getting redone because the child support amount was inaccurate (they had me making 3,000.00 more a month than I do). The paperwork was submitted in January according to my ex, but I have not received any papers telling me what to pay. Now he wants back child support. How far back can he go? From the time my son moved in with him? or from the time the order was submitted. I keep getting further and further behind because I don't know what the order amount is for. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


The child support order can be amended as of the date of filing the petition to amend.

You should have been active in the modification - if not you should get involved so that the right amounts are entered.

Why does my truck pull to one side and shake when i press the brake?

Why does my truck pull to one side and shake when i press the brake?
The brakes are unevenly calibrated. The brake on one side is applying first, and with more power than the other side.

What is Dani Filth net worth?

What is Dani Filth net worth?
90 thousand

Which catalytic converters can be delivered in California?

Which catalytic converters can be delivered in California?
make sure you ask the seller if they are Calif smog legal because i ran into that quite often and they told me no. you can buy a universal cat as long as it is ca smog legal

Is it possible a man keeping 2 marriages at the same time in chichao ill. He married one girl back in his own hone country and one here in c...


Is it possible a man keeping 2 marriages at the same time in chichao ill. He married one girl back in his own hone country and one here in chicago


Under IL law the second marriage would be bigamous and invalid, until the first marriage is dissolved. Once the first marriage is dissolved, and Wife # 2 is aware of it, and stays with H, then marriage # 2 becomes valid.

Hi I know this is going to sound bad but me and my aunt have been having family issues and one day we got into a fight, so out of spite I st...


Hi I know this is going to sound bad but me and my aunt have been having family issues and one day we got into a fight, so out of spite I stole her (she claims) $2000 dollar ring and sold it to a pawn shop for $230 well she ended up finding out the next day and we went and got the ring back. So my question is, ever since I stole her ring her and my uncle have been saying if I do anything wrong that they will call the cops and report me to the police and thry will bring me to prison for ten years, can they do that? Even though she got her ring back? Because I always thought that would be considered blackmail because thats like condoning a wrong act with another wrong act. So whats the law on that in Iowa?


You committed a felony theft if the value of the ring was in fact over $1000. If the value was as they say its a Class D felony punishable by up to a 5 year prison sentence. I don't see anything criminal about their threat to turn you in if you do anything else wrong.

I am a married woman for past 11 years.I am having a strange relationship with my husband as he has been torturing me physically and mentall...


I am a married woman for past 11 years.I am having a strange relationship with my husband as he has been torturing me physically and mentally.when I warned him about calling the police, he stopped harassing me physically. Now to torture me mentally he takes my children(8 and 4 1/2 yr) away from me anywhere without letting me know.

Last month he took them to Delhi for one and half months without my consent.My in-laws also support and encourage him for all his wrong deeds.

He is an IT professional and i am a teacher in a school and He asks money from

me for household expenditure.though he earns enough.If I disapprove it he threatens me for not letting me doing my job.

please let me know how to stop him taking my kids away from me without my consent


Go see a lawyer, immediately. India refuses to sign the international treaties on child abduction. If he takes them there again you may never be able to get them back. You need immediate custody and restraining orders. If you can get a hold of the childrens' passports and keep them away from him, do it NOW. There is no time to waste.


Please contact an attorney for an in-person consultation. I am not sure this is something you want to delay.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Is there a statute of limitations in a medical malpractice lawsuit in Ohio?


Is there a statute of limitations in a medical malpractice lawsuit in Ohio?


Yes. It is one year from the date of the malpractice occurs or should have been discovered. This deadline can be extended up to 180 days if proper notice is given to the potential defendants. In all cases of medical malpractice, consult an attorney immediately to protect your interests.

My husband and I are going through a divorce. He refuses to file a financial because he doesn't want to pay child support. He told the Court...


My husband and I are going through a divorce. He refuses to file a financial because he doesn't want to pay child support. He told the Court that he has no money. He has money in his bank account. What can the Court do?


The court will order him to complete the disclosure documents. They will order him to pay child support as well.


The court will order him to file a financial statement. In some circumstances, the court will attribute income to him for purposes of child support.

Is there anything else that can be proposed besides a probation bond for my boyfriend to be released before his revo hearing?


Is there anything else that can be proposed besides a probation bond for my boyfriend to be released before his revo hearing?



770.985.6773 (answered 24 x 7)


What are the political trade barriers in China?

What are the political trade barriers in China?

China's government has so far maintained general authority and control, despite predictions that the global crisis could spark widespread unrest among laid-off workers. Outbreaks of unrest have remained brief and localized, and recent economic data point to robust growth for the rest of the year and into next year. But with China's ruling Communist Party and global markets all treating political stability as a crucial issue, even limited challenges to the Party's control could have a impact on investor sentiment. A longer-term worry could be that the recent rapid economic growth cannot be sustained, as a burst of government-encouraged credit shrinks, leading to a rise in joblessness and investor disquiet and sapping government spending-power and ability to cushion these problems. Ethnic tensions in Tibet and Xinjiang have distracted the central government and drawn international concern, but not seriously threatened national stability. Calls from some activists and intellectuals for greater openness and democracy have so far failed to gain much popular traction.

Key issues to watch:

-- Emergence of any regional- or national-level protest movements. So far, protests in China have been tended to be localized and directed at local officials, rather than challenging the central government. Given China's strict controls, it is also very difficult for any organized movement to emerge beyond the local level.


Simmering disputes with the United States and other nations over trade barriers and the level of the yuan have the potential of escalating into more serious confrontations that could unsettle investors and capital markets. Most analysts believe that Beijing and Washington have too much to lose from a major escalation of trade and currency disputes, at a time when much rests on how these two big economic powers navigate the adjustments brought by the financial crisis. China has signaled that ultimately it wants a global financial order that is less dependent on the U.S. dollar. That remains a distant prospect and China is likely to maintain its huge holdings of U.S. Treasury debt for a long time, but currency markets have shown acute sensitivity to any signs, however mild or misrepresented, that China is looking to reduce its holdings.

Key issues to watch:

-- The rhetoric on trade from Washington and Beijing. Both sides want to avoid any serious economic dispute but also want to protect their domestic industry and maintain popular support at home. Signs that positions are hardening would hurt markets.

-- How disagreements are handled. The imposition of trade barriers usually results in retaliation from other nations. The key issue is whether a tit-for-tat spiral of protectionist measures gets out of hand, or whether diplomacy stops disputes from escalating and doing serious damage.


China has been scouring the globe for energy and commodities to feed its economic growth, and has sought to secure strategic long-term supply deals. Its resource needs have major long-term implications for commodity and energy prices. And across the world, China is not just buying raw materials but is seeking to invest in countries and companies that produce them. This has transformed China's global economic and political role -- and many other nations are getting worried.

Key issues to watch:

-- Reaction to Chinese foreign investment. The U.S. decision to block CNOOC's takeover of Unocal on national security concerns, and the acrimonious aftermath of the collapse of Rio Tinto's deal with Chinalco, demonstrate how political issues may undermine China's economic aspirations. Markets will be watching to see if more major deals are blocked -- and how China responds.

-- Attitudes to China in developing world. Chinese investment has given a boost to many developing economies, but there are also signs of a backlash emerging in some countries.


China is central to efforts to win agreement on fighting climate change. Beijing has pledged to cut "carbon intensity" over the decade to 2020, but also says economic development must come first and developed nations should bear most of the responsibility for reducing global emissions. China's rapid growth is also causing a host of other environmental problems, and citizens have become increasingly vocal about health and other worries from lead plants and other polluters.

Key issues to watch:

-- China's position on emissions. Markets will watch if China can agree an emissions policy without stifling growth.

-- Investors will also be looking for opportunities that arise from growing investment and government spending in clean and renewable energy.

-- Increasing environmental activism and stricter enforcement of standards could force some industrial projects to be closed or not built.


Corruption is an issue both for foreign investors in China and for national stability -- it has the potential to become a focus for social unrest if it is not adequately tackled. As well, with business and politics so closely intertwined in China, commercial negotiations and disputes can become embroiled in wider political and diplomatic friction. The claims of commercial spying by Rio Tinto have underscored these concerns.

Key issues to watch:

-- Corruption estimates. Investors will be watching to see whether China rises or falls in corruption perception rankings.

-- Investors will closely watch China's handling of the case involving four Rio Tinto staff, and also more general signs of how the government intends to handle the boundary between business deals and politics.
Your welcome.

I just got married and then found out my husband had signed in his divorce decree that he would pay child support till his kids are 20 or ha...


I just got married and then found out my husband had signed in his divorce decree that he would pay child support till his kids are 20 or have a job. Is this something legal will the child support department actually pull from his check till they are 20. Or should we get a lawyer to change the divorce decree. One of the kids will be 18 this year. So we need to know if we should get on this or not.


If that is what the order says, that is what he will do. On what basis do you think he should not honor his obligation to support his children?


Parties can agree in a divorce to support past 18, and when the judge signs it, it is binding. Why is your husband thinking he can ignore a court order and contract?

I just got divorced. Can I bankrupt against a court order ?


I just got divorced. Can I bankrupt against a court order ?


As a general rule, the bankruptcy code will not let you discharge alimony, child support, a marital property settlement, or an agreement to pay marital (or the other parties') debt.


What court order? What does it have to do with your divorce?


Assuming that the court order you reference derives from the divorce and requires payment of child support, alimony or the like, generally, you cannot discharge those liabilities in a bankruptcy.

I have been married for almost 9 years in California. I need to file for divorce. I've been told that I should wait 13 more months, so that ...


I have been married for almost 9 years in California. I need to file for divorce. I've been told that I should wait 13 more months, so that we would be married for 10 years when I file for divorce due to alimony and retirement benefits.

If I file for legal seperation before the 10 year mark, is that when the marriage is concidered ended, therefore risking the benefits? I really want out as soon as possible, but I feel like I need those extra benefits to use to fight for my kids. (He has threatened to do whatever he can to not pay child support, including lying so he gets custody).


10 years is not a bright line that suddenly makes things happen. It is the dividing point at which a marriage is deemed to have been "of long duration." The impact of that is primarily on spousal support which involves a great many other factors in addition to length of marriage. The answer to your question, however, is that the deciding moment is when you "separate without intent to resume the marital community." So 1. that may happen even without you filing anything if you or he move out and never reconcile, and 2. filing for legal separation would most certainly trigger that. So no, you can't separate and then later divorce to make it over the 10-year mark.


Establishing custody is based upon the children's best interests. Merely asserting that father believes he has a right to have the children does not elevate itself to satisfying that requirement. Please meet with an experienced family law attorney

to explore your legal options.

Are FWD cars gay?

Are FWD cars gay?
If you're questioning it, don't get one. And FWD could mean either four-wheel drive or front-wheel drive.

Automobiles do not have "sexes". They are an inanimate object incapable of emitting feelings towards one sex or the other. Most cars these days are FWD (Front Wheel Drive).

I have a child out of wedlock and the father has issues but keeps threatening to take my daughter from me through the courts. I have a full ...


I have a child out of wedlock and the father has issues but keeps threatening to take my daughter from me through the courts. I have a full time job with benefits and he doesn't work but is trying to start a business from home which I don't agree with for good reasons. Is there anyway he can get custody of her?


Really need to know more. I presume that he has not established paternity so unless you both signed an "Affidavit of Paternity", he currently has no rights. Where has your daughter lived since birth? How much has he seen the child? He would argue that since he is "working" from home, that might be the better place to have custody since your daughter would not be in day care.

Do you have any other children so that we can say that she should live with her siblings? So to answer your question, until we know what Dad's issues are and what the good reasons that you don't agree with his business, it is hard to answer your question but yes, he can get custody of her.

If you would like to make an appointment, you may email me at [email protected]/* */

How do you get metal coat in gold version?

How do you get metal coat in gold version?
You have to beat the Pokemon league then go to prof elm and hell give u the ticket to the SS.Anne in olivine when u get there go down then go right a guy will run into uyou then and say that he is trying to find his daughter go to the second to the left he will battle you then you are done go right down then you will see stairs go down and u will see u and thank u go up left then go to the stairs that goes up(on the other side)talk to the girl and a while later a man will talk to you and he will give a metal coat.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Where is juilliard school of the performing arts?

Where is juilliard school of the performing arts?
Juilliard is in Manhattan, NY

i am a private towing company in the city of minneapolis. i received an emergency service call for a tire that fell off a p.u. truck. the tr...


i am a private towing company in the city of minneapolis. i received an emergency service call for a tire that fell off a p.u. truck. the truck was in the west bound 394 h.o.v. lane. the hispanic driver read a sign that said he was close to Hwy 100. the only way to get to him was to enter the h.o.v. lane near the dunwoody entrance to west bound 394. a 1/2 mile in, i was pulled over by a trooper for only have one person in the tow truck. the trooper followed me to hwy 100 at which point there was no truck. i called the driver, he walked in front of his truck and realized he was near hwy 101 which is several miles farther west. the trooper would not speak to the driver nor would he follow me to the new location to verify the truck was broke down. the trooper issued me a ticket for disobeying a traffice control sign (2 persons in a vehicle). the statute he cited does not specifically name a tow truck as an "emergency vehicle". it refers to police, fire, ambulance, or vehicles dispatched by authorized authorities. am i guilty of disobeying a traffic controll sign by entering the h.o.v. lane as a single driver responding to an emergency call???


Hello. First, you ought not post details of your private criminal issues on a public website. That said, I urge you to seek private attorney counsel with no delay. You are welcome to contact me for assistance in your defense. Know that generally: Some attorneys are available seven days for emergency legal needs. Many attorneys will speak initially at no charge. Then, if legal work is performed, some attorneys will provide a reduced fee for financial hardship. All the best.


Tricia Dwyer, Esq & Associates PLLC

Phone: 612-296-9666

365 Days of the Year until 8 p.m. daily

[email protected]/* */




What kind of car is good for a 1st car and its cheap?

What kind of car is good for a 1st car and its cheap?
Ford Crown Victoria. In expensive used car. Good power, safety and insurance ratings.

i fell victim to a money order scam and now iam facing felony charges what do i do


i fell victim to a money order scam and now iam facing felony charges what do i do


Don't say anything to the prosecutor or police regarding your case. If you're already charged, the prosecutor is looking for a conviction and will not want to back down. While you might be the victim here, you should get a good attorney immediately to ensure your rights are protected.


Meet with an attorney immediately. Maybe you can get a good deal

What interests do you have out side of work?

What interests do you have out side of work?
just entertaining our selfs with social networks.

If mediation orders were signed and one party feels they have not been fairly represented can a letter be written to the judge by that party...


If mediation orders were signed and one party feels they have not been fairly represented can a letter be written to the judge by that party to over turn mediation orders?


If the mediated settlement agreement complies with all the requirements of section 6.602 of the Texas Family Code, you are going to have a hard time repudiating the agreement unless you can show fraud of some sort. Once a valid MSA is signed by both parties and each party's attorney (if any), the other party is entitled to judgment on the terms of the MSA.

If you want to get out of an MSA, you will have to invest in a consultation with a local family law attorney and explain exactly why you want to get out of the MSA.

Good luck!!

I am going through a divorce. I have a daughter with my soon to be ex wife and a boy and a girl from a previous relationship. I moved into a...


I am going through a divorce. I have a daughter with my soon to be ex wife and a boy and a girl from a previous relationship. I moved into a one bedroom and i have a futon, two couches, and a bed which makes separate sleeping arrangments for everyone. My daughter with my current ex spends the night with me on tuesday's and thursday's. My son spends the summers with me and my current ex is all of a sudden making a fuss saying that I must have a separate bedroom to accomedate my daughter when she comes to spend the night because of my son being a boy. I think that there is a law that states this if she lived with me to have a separate room for her but i should not have to get a two bed room just for overnight visitation correct?


This might be a question that you should ask the lawyer representing you in your dissolution of marriage proceedings.

i used my vehicle as a trade in to purchase a new vehicle, the trade in was being used as collateral for a 7500 personal loan, the trade in ...


i used my vehicle as a trade in to purchase a new vehicle, the trade in was being used as collateral for a 7500 personal loan, the trade in is fully paid for and was worth 1200, is that okay


Without reading the paperwork it is hard to answer. Did you give & get title?


My questions are: Did you have permission from the lender to do the transaction and Did you substitute the new vehicle as the collateral? It would seem if both answers are "no", that you may have caused a default in the loan.

Who and when invented of bycycle?

Who and when invented of bycycle?
No one. The word is "bicycle" and the first really popular and commercially successful "velocipede" design was invented by French blacksmith, Ernest Michaux in 1863. A simpler and more elegant solution than the Macmillan bicycle; Michaux's design included rotary cranks and pedals mounted to the front wheel hub. In 1868, Ernest Michaux founded Michaux et Cie (Michaux and company), the first company to manufacture velocipedes with pedals commercially.Penny Farthing The Penny Farthing is also referred to as the "High" or "Ordinary" bicycle, and the first one was invented in 1871 by British engineer, James Starley. The Penny Farthing came after the development of the French "Velocipede", and other versions of early bikes. However, the Penny Farthing was the first really efficient bicycle, consisting of a small rear wheel and large front wheel pivoting on a simple tubular frame with tires of rubber. Safety Bicycle In 1885, British inventor John Kemp Starley designed the first "safety bicycle" with a steerable front wheel, two equally-sized wheels, and a chain drive to the rear wheel.

What is the purpose of financial information?

What is the purpose of financial information?
Financial information is very important to the board of directors and to investors. In fact, if a company is on the stock exchange the financial records must be made public and be provided to the board of directors. Financial information basically tells the public how well or how poorly they have been doing over the year. An accountant can take information provided on the financial statements and determine things like rate of return, how much of the sales are going to cost of goods sold, and inventory turn over. Someone can even tell if a company is able to pay their bills or not. Did you know that a company can have a net income and still not pay their bills? You can find that out by looking at the Statement of Cash Flows. This is because a company have had a lot of sales but was tied up in accounts receivable or in unexpected expenses. Also financial statement shows trends from year to year. A large increase in plant assets and in cost of goods sold could indicate company growth. This will be a time when people many consider investing in a company. Also, financial statements are presented when a company turns to a bank for loans. The bank wants to see how the company is doing and what the money will be used for.

If a wheel brg has a slight tan color with no gaul marks or grooves has it been overheated to much to reuse?

If a wheel brg has a slight tan color with no gaul marks or grooves has it been overheated to much to reuse?
I was always told as a young(er) mechanic, "When in doubt throw it out".

Name something that has a red light?

Name something that has a red light?
A stop light, police car, fire truck, ambulance....lots of things

How do you calculate the break-even point for EBIT?

How do you calculate the break-even point for EBIT?
How to calculate the break even of EBIT

What car company created the popular GTOs?

What car company created the popular GTOs?
The GTO, a small racing car, was originally made by Ferrari in 1962. When the Pontiac division of GM decided to make a similar vehicle, they adopted the moniker GTO and released the Pontiac GTO in 1964, based on the Pontiac LeMans model. Based on the LeMans and Ventura models, Pontiac released the GTO until 1974. The Pontiac GTO was rereleased in 2004 but due to low sales, production stopped in 2006.

Is there anyway to beat a 1st degree drug possession charge when there has been a controlled buy done. But afterwards the "CRI" starts a rel...


Is there anyway to beat a 1st degree drug possession charge when there has been a controlled buy done. But afterwards the "CRI" starts a relationship with the person charged. No buy money was found no price or product was ever discussed between CRI and victim. Is there silver lining for the poor guy or is he doomed?


You say no product was discussed, but that a controlled buy occurred. Did product change hands? If so, then the other factors can be less significant. You may have other legitimate challenges to raise in your case. Get yourself a good lawyer right away. Feel free to give me a call or email.

(651) 994-6744

[email protected]/* */


I am afraid that any assessment starts with a review of the evidence. It is impossible to determine what defenses may exist with a short blurb that seems to leave out many important facets of the case. You must consult with an attorney.

I received a summons to appear for pretrial conferance/mediation from a credit card company bal. owed $828.62 I have never heard of this hap...


I received a summons to appear for pretrial conferance/mediation from a credit card company bal. owed $828.62 I have never heard of this happening to anyone before the card company has already did a charge off...I dont understand


They may have sold the debt. Do they have all the information to prove it?


Agree with Mr. Slater: Creditors "write off" the account as an accounting entry for

tax purposes but it doesn't prevent them from selling the account to a collection

agency or even filing a lawsuit against the debtor. So the issue will be: can they

prove their claim against you?


See a consumer lawyer in your area for assistance. We win these cases 99% of the time. Do not agree to pay without seeing a consumer lawyer. Our fees are nominal since we get paid most of our fees from the credit card companies. "Write off" only means the debt is past due 180 or more days. See for assistance.

Is there any machine tha can think like a human?

Is there any machine tha can think like a human?
Computers don't think. They analyze every possbile outcome. Have you ever played against a computer opponent on a video game? They have a thing called AI (Artificial Intelligence) which is SIMILAR to that of a human, but once again, they computer is just analyzing every outcome. If you jump, for example, it uses that fraction of a second it is allowed to realize you are jumping and make a move based on a list of preset options.
That's also why computers are so good at chess.

What are the release dates for Hey DJ - 2003?

What are the release dates for Hey DJ - 2003?
Hey DJ - 2003 was released on:

Germany: September 2003 (Oldenburg Film Festival)
USA: 2 April 2005 (Method Fest Independent Film Festival)
Netherlands: 28 September 2005 (Amsterdam)

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Is a tambourine a percussive instrument?

Is a tambourine a percussive instrument?

My grandmother's sister died in Texas without a will about a year ago Their was 9 siblings, but my grandmother is the only living sibling. S...


My grandmother's sister died in Texas without a will about a year ago Their was 9 siblings, but my grandmother is the only living sibling. So she paid the taxes on her house and fixed it up, cause it needed a lot of work and decided to move in. Now one of her deceased brother's daughter shows up and wants to know what she is intitled to with the house. And intends to take it to court. What is my grandmother's wrights and is she the heir or does she have to divide everything up with her because her brother is deceased.


If your grandmother's sister had children, they are the rightful heirs. IF not, then if the parents of your grandmother's sister are dead, her siblings inherit. IF a sibling is dead, then that siblings children take the share that the sibling would have inherited if alive. In any case, somebody is going to have to go to court to get title cleard.

What is one of the most deadly forms of driving impairment?

What is one of the most deadly forms of driving impairment?
Driving while intoxicated or under the influence of either alocohol or drugs.

What is the number to Banco Popular?

What is the number to Banco Popular?
Banco Popular:

With this number you can reach Telephone Banking and Customer Service. Customer Service Representatives are available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. EST, and Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. EST.

Profit is calculated by subtracting costs from?

Profit is calculated by subtracting costs from?
Profit is calculated by subtracting operating costs from gross revenues.

do i have to pay my taxes and insurance to the morgage company or can i pay them myself


do i have to pay my taxes and insurance to the morgage company or can i pay them myself


It depends upon the terms of your mortgage. If they require it, then yes. If they don't, then no. You need to talk to them about it.

My ex husband had supervised visits for 4 years and in 2009 he modified his visitation to every other weekend in the last 5 months he has be...


My ex husband had supervised visits for 4 years and in 2009 he modified his visitation to every other weekend in the last 5 months he has been abusing pills again and has only seen him once sinc jan 8 2011 for 4 hours and never calls. Can/Should I get this reduced back to supervised visits? My fear is he will want to start getting him again while still abusing pills. I don't want to get into trouble by not allowin him to go but his father is not doing well right now with the drug abuse. Plus he is stay at friends houses right now he doesnt even have a stable place to live. Thanks


These are issues you need to discuss with your attorney, not online, and you MUST have one in this type situation. The answer will depend on the prior orders and what you can show in court.

Bear in mind the adage "let sleeping dogs lie." If he isn't visiting anyway, why would you risk a battle in which he could get more as well as less visitation? Discuss that with counsel to decide if you should proceed or stay silent.

What does it mean when your battery light and airbag light comes on in your car?

What does it mean when your battery light and airbag light comes on in your car?
the battery light means that your battery is being charged properly. so let it light.

Is there such thing as a dumb favorite?

Is there such thing as a dumb favorite?
its when your feeling a bit dumb and lazy and you have a favourite.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

What are the release dates for 12 News WBOY - 2011?

What are the release dates for 12 News WBOY - 2011?
12 News WBOY - 2011 was released on:

USA: 1 January 2011

If a persons income fluctuates - is child support based on last years Tax filing - or - does it go from present income - based off the pay s...


If a persons income fluctuates - is child support based on last years Tax filing - or - does it go from present income - based off the pay stubs submitted to the court?


Child support payments will be based on current income. Calculating child support can be very difficult, there are many nuances to the Guidelines, you should consider hiring an attorney to assist you.


Normally Judges use current income but some will consider seasonal variations

What is a good moveset for Dialga?

What is a good moveset for Dialga?
the best moveset is:
signal beam
roar of time i totally agree with this 1 =]
dragon claw

that is totally screwed up. Dialga is a Special Attacker, and Dragon Claw plus Earthquake are both physical. Replace with Earth Power and Dragon Pulse if you want Ground and Dragon-type moves. If not, scrap Dragon Pulse for Aura Sphere. Signal Beam should be replaced with Flash Cannon, which is more powerful because of STAB and higher base power.
I don't agree with this move. First of all, Signal Beam is too weak. Second of all, you can replace EarthPower instead of Earthquake (if you don't want to waste your money, give Earthquake to another Pokemon in your party. I suggest a better moveset will be:
Dragon Claw
Ancient Power

In the future, Dialga will learn 2 other good move are Flash Cannon and Aura Sphere. This is the moveset in the future:
Roar of Time
Flash Cannon
Aura Sphere

is it legal for an auto insurance company to obtain blood work from a hospital without concent


is it legal for an auto insurance company to obtain blood work from a hospital without concent


No how, no way, it's a hippa violation and it is worth BIG BUCKS when you sue the hospital.

Can you drive a motor vehicle in Mauritius with a UK driving licence?

Can you drive a motor vehicle in Mauritius with a UK driving licence?
yes you can , however you need to have it with you at all times and still have all the relevant insurance etc

Can you print trusts on two sides of the paper


Can you print trusts on two sides of the paper


There is no rule against it.


I can't, because I don't have a duplex printer, but it's certainly not illegal to print estate planning documents two-sided.


You can.

I am 57 and a part of management I had never met fired me for no reason one morning at work. when I told my boss that I was fired and that t...


I am 57 and a part of management I had never met fired me for no reason one morning at work. when I told my boss that I was fired and that the they owed me a check with in 24 hr. The head nurse call and said I wasn't fired and told me they would look at the camera and call me in after the week end. I told me that I was fired and that I wanted my check. I want to take them to court for all of this.


Your post is not entirely clear. Generally, absent contractual agreement to the contrary, employment in MN is at will. The employer has quite broad discretion in actions, but for behaving illegally or violative of its own rules of conduct. Tricia Dwyer Esq ph 612-296-9666 Minnesota Employment Law Attorney

I have a breach of contract question in regards to a wedding venue that did not provide the basic necessities


I have a breach of contract question in regards to a wedding venue that did not provide the basic necessities


Feel free to contact me. You should get an email link with this, and you can call me at 516-242-1453.

HiI stayed in USA between Feb 2009 and Dec 2011 under J1 visa. I got J1 waiver, but I left USA without changing my status from J1. I lost my...



I stayed in USA between Feb 2009 and Dec 2011 under J1 visa. I got J1 waiver, but I left USA without changing my status from J1. I lost my J1 waiver approval document. Is there any way to get the duplicate J1 waiver approval document ? Please let me know !




Hello please call me at (212) 968-8600. Kind regards, RDM


My first thought is that if you have been outside of the U.S. since 2011, whether you still need the waiver.

Feel free to contact me to discuss.

Vincent Martin

[email protected]/* */

Puppy beagel chewed the bath toilet pipe and hit the water line. We were gone and the whole apartment, down stairs apartment and the next le...


Puppy beagel chewed the bath toilet pipe and hit the water line. We were gone and the whole apartment, down stairs apartment and the next level apartment got water damage. I was required to have renters insurance, my renters insurance says does not cover water back up, but that was not the case. My coverage is 300K. I contacted the insurance company and they took my report indicating that they will need to speak with management and look over my policy to determine if I have coverage. Because it was the puppy is there a possibility to say negligence on my part and they may not cover me?


An insurance policy should cover any negligence. That's a big part of what insurance is for.


If you were not negligent then you are not responsible for the damage to the two other units and your own that you rent. There should be coverage and if the insurance company denies that then you probably will need an attorney to review the policy and write them a letter as to why there is coverage.


There might be a bad faith claim against your insurance carrier. Please feel free to contact me though my website at for a free consultation. Or, you can contact me at my office at 818.385.0520.