Tuesday, September 30, 2014

What are the advantages and disadvantages of GICs?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of GICs?
gics are generally one to fice year deposits with a bank or other financial institution such as a trust company or insurance company. you cannot sell gics to other investors and you often cannot cash them until the maturity date, most gics pay a set rate of interest, while some link returns to the performace of other benchmarks such as stock market indices. a disadvantage of many GICs is that they often carry penalties if you cash them before the term ends. term deposits also offered by banks, are similar to GICs but require a large minimum deposit. the terms gic and term deposit are often used interchangeably since they describe very similar investments

In my divorce a year ago my husband was awarded the house. The court said they could not take me of the loan, but that may ex had to try and...

What are hinders of employees motivation?

What are hinders of employees motivation?
Mostly, it is hindered by demotivating rules or actions by their bosses or companies. A few examples I have observed:
1. High-level executive is not allowed to buy as much as a stapler without his boss's approval.
2. People told the company has ethical standards and they are to take 2 weeks vacation. Then are told by their boss,"I don't care how you get it done, just get it done or you are fired". Leading to no vacations and frequent corners cut on ethics.
3. Outstanding teams must still cut "lower 10%" of employees, leading to teamwork being lower priority than grabbing individual credit.
4. Multi-million $ client is pleased with your work and asks for a CD to be burned with your final report. Admin tells you that if you buy a CD burner for $99 you will be fired.

The last 3 were at a single well-regarded company. Unfortunately, the list goes on and on.

Why did the world trade senter get bombed?

Why did the world trade senter get bombed?
The men were complete retards, they thought they were called by there religion to do it.

How can i determine the value of a neighborhood bar?

How can i determine the value of a neighborhood bar?
To determine the value of a neighborhood bar, a person can look atthe property values of the other buildings that surround the bar. Aperson can also look at crime rates for the neighborhood the bar isin.

What are good things to sell in the summer?

What are good things to sell in the summer?
umbrellas and beach chairs, ice pops and lemonade, sunscreen & sunglasses

My wife had cancer and it has taken a toll on her immune system and now she has shingles as a result of that. She has missed some work from ...


My wife had cancer and it has taken a toll on her immune system and now she has shingles as a result of that. She has missed some work from these conditions but has had doctors notes for every day that she has missed. Her boss has recently suspended her for 3 weeks for missing work and said since she is part time her doctor notes don't apply to her. What type of lawyer should we consult or do we even have a case?


Certain medical conditions are considered "disabilities" under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Under the ADA, a disabled employee is entitled to a reaosnable accommodation, whether the employee is full or part time. A rasonable accommodation includes but is not limited to: a reduced work schedule, a modified work schedule, unpaid time off, reassignment, etc. Suspending a disabled employee who takkes time off (calls in sick) because of their disability could be a violation of the ADA. We routinely represent employees in these types of matters. Please call us for a complimentary case evaluation.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

I have been divorced from my husband for 10-years. We have a 31 - year old disabled son who resides with me and collects SSI benefits of app...


I have been divorced from my husband for 10-years. We have a 31 - year old disabled son who resides with me and collects SSI benefits of approx. $800 per month. His father has remarried and he sees him about once a week. I recently had to purchase a new bedroom set for our son to replace the broken down one. I have requested my ex to pay for half the bill which amounts to $750.00 and he has refused claiming that he is not legally responsible. I feel that this is an extraordinary expense and that he should pay for half since he is also a parent. Should I take this to Small Claims Court or would it be a waste of time?


Unfortunately in the situation that you describe seeking a partial reimbursement in small claims court would be a waste of time, in my opinion.

Where do you write to Avon products?

Where do you write to Avon products?
You can write to them at:
Avon Products, Inc.
Global Headquarters
1345 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10105

I was raped at a party by two guys. I was very drunk they kept giving me alcohol and I was drinking it. They kept making 3 some jokes and i ...


I was raped at a party by two guys. I was very drunk they kept giving me alcohol and I was drinking it. They kept making 3 some jokes and i kindly said no. Late that night I was in a bed and they came in and began taking my clothes off. I said "no I do not want you to do that." They said "don't worry we've done this before." I was scared and didn't say anything and thought they'd stop. A little time later I said "please get off me I don't want to do this." I have them admitting it happened throigh text, admitting i said no through text and they both told abunch of people, how much more proof do I need to press charges?


Dear client immediately file police complaint against them under sec 376. No need of any evidence. Police will do investigation and collect the proofs. For proper discussion call me on 9422611385 or 8446247807

Adv prasad patil


If in michigan, call the local police to report the crime.

Are trucks loud?

Are trucks loud?
yes. Not all trucks are loud if you cut off some of the muffler then the truck will become louder

Can you discounting a lc non transferable?

Can you discounting a lc non transferable?
Discounting is a term used for the actual drawing/negotiation that takes place under an Lc (Letter of Credit). The credit conform (accepted) documents/draft are due for deferred payment and the presentor does not want to wait for its funds till maturity date. Whether the LC is transferable or not is of no importance here. The LC itself should be 'discountable' (it is safer to have this in special instructions of the LC terms).
The discounting then depends on the parties concerned, and the price for discounting (discounting rate/Libor/Airbor+spread) and the willingness of the bank that should discount. Discount can be performed with or without recourse.

I was involved in a fight at an amusement park. i threw a punch to a person who was threatening me.The victim had a fractured nose and he wa...


I was involved in a fight at an amusement park. i threw a punch to a person who was threatening me.

The victim had a fractured nose and he was admitted at ER and treated an hour after the fight. His expenses paid to hospital was $2189.00

His blood alcohol level measured at ER was twice the legal limit.

I was charged with a misdemeanor and sentenced to probation and community work and paid his medical expenses.

can he still sue me or I can sue him in a civil case and demand for compensation due to the fact that according to the police report he started the fight and approximately what is the maximum that can be sued in a case like this.


He can still sue you for battery (the intentional tort, not the crime) in civil court. While you have paid his medical expenses, he can still sue for non-economic damages such as pain and suffering, as well as punitive damages.

If you were to sue him, you would have little to no chance of winning. You threw the first punch. It is a general rule of law that mere words alone are insufficient provocation to justify an assault. There are some limited exceptions to this, but if those were applicable here, you wouldn't have likely been convicted and given probation (unless you took a deal). Keep in mind that even if the police report states that he started the fight, if that really was the case, then why were you convicted?

The same rights I believe most anyone (including yourself?) would expect. What would you do in a similar situation (as the person thrown out...


The same rights I believe most anyone (including yourself?) would expect. What would you do in a similar situation (as the person thrown out of the book sale)?

Anyone else? ([email protected]/* */)


No idea what this is about, sorry.

In minnesota is it illegal to rufuse service to a sex offender who needs to be in a homeless shelter


In minnesota is it illegal to rufuse service to a sex offender who needs to be in a homeless shelter


I do not believe it is illegal to refuse service to anyone (sex offender or not) who needs a homeless shelter. The shelter makes the call. God Bless.

Should your write your ID on money?

Should your write your ID on money?

I live in the state of New York. My father passed away in June, and his widow is acting as executrix of his estate. She and I are not on goo...


I live in the state of New York. My father passed away in June, and his widow is acting as executrix of his estate. She and I are not on good terms, but seeing as how I am named in my father's will, I am curious as to how long she has to distribute his bequests to the family, as she has failed to provide me with a copy of the will or notify me of its contents.


You should have received a Citation asking you to consent to the appointment and advice when the probate took place. I usually send a copy of the Will when the Executrix is appointed. Call the Surrogate to see that the appointment has been finalized and for a small fee you can get a copy of the Will submitted. If there are any problems, contact a local estate attorney. I do not know how complicated the estate is or if inheritance taxes are involved. These could prolong the distribution of the estate.This is a response to an Internet question and the reply is not intended to be legal advice or as creating an attorney-client relationship.

How to know if a girl had done sex with boy?

How to know if a girl had done sex with boy?
If the hymen, within the vagina, has been broken, she has had exploring fingers up her vagina, or she has had sex. If the sex was very recent, she may have visible traces of seminal fluid around her vulva lips.

What are the release dates for Save My Bath - 2006 Embarrasssing Guest Bathroom?

What are the release dates for Save My Bath - 2006 Embarrasssing Guest Bathroom?
Save My Bath - 2006 Embarrasssing Guest Bathroom was released on:

USA: 14 December 2007

I have a very complex case involving an assault by an ex boyfriend in which I pressed charges. Can my civil lawyer advise me not to go to co...


I have a very complex case involving an assault by an ex boyfriend in which I pressed charges. Can my civil lawyer advise me not to go to court for the charges pressed, advising me that the court would be given a notice of why I would not be appearing? I have serious injuries that have worsened over time and I need Jaw surgery as a result. All of my depositions to this date have been postponed, without clear explanation why or by whom when consulting with my attorney regarding this matter. I feel i am not being taken seriously, and at times almost berated . How can I switch representation as this case is very in depth and I feel to this point I am not being represented appropriately?


Call me. I have handled cases like this for a very long time.

Robert Davies, Esq.

201 820 3460

Did tony Montana formerly of great white also work as an adult film star?

Did tony Montana formerly of great white also work as an adult film star?
Not according to the Internet Movie Database.

What is the principle that justifies a regressive tax?

What is the principle that justifies a regressive tax?
The benefits-received principle justifies a regressive tax.

When you try to start your car it makes a clicking noise?

When you try to start your car it makes a clicking noise?
the most common cause is the battery is not sufficiently charged (has been drained by something that stayed on in the vehicle or the car has just sat for too long). Jumper cables or a jumper box usually helps this, if the battery hasnt gone bad.
another culprit is dirty or corroded connections between the battery and starter.

and it can also be the starter itself has went bad if there is 12-14 volts from the battery and good conductivity all the way to the starter.

and the least common (and most expensive): the engine could be locked up. this is fairly easy to check for though as most engines can be turned either by hand or a socket on the pulley at the bottom of the serpentine or v-belts to see if it is seized up. But i would start with the aforementioned electrical things as those are alot more common

Whats was monopoly on trade between the eastern Mediterranean and Europe was held by the merchants of?

Whats was monopoly on trade between the eastern Mediterranean and Europe was held by the merchants of?
A monopoly on trade between the eastern Mediterranean and Europe was held by the merchants of:Portugal Genoa and Venice Spain France

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Where can I find Schematics for a baccio scooter?

Where can I find Schematics for a baccio scooter?
The schematic for a baccio scooter can be found in a spare part shop for scooters like the Monster scooter parts shot which has all the available part for the bike.

I am being charged with a class f felony for burglary what are my chances of not going to jail and just getting probation?


I am being charged with a class f felony for burglary what are my chances of not going to jail and just getting probation?


Your chances of escaping jail if convicted of burglary in WI are not so good, particularly if you have a prior record. Although some first offenders for burglary might get away with a year in the county jail and probation (with a prison sentence running behind it if they get revoked), repeat and multiple burglars usually go to prison in WI, particularly for residential burglaries (as opposed to burglaries from warehouses, storage facilities, etc.). The maximum is ten years for a simple burglary without aggravating factors such as firearms being among the items stolen, which can sometimes double the sentence (particularly in federal court). If you are facing burglary charges and value your freedom, you should therefore the most experienced criminal lawyer available, right away. My comments in this public web forum are intended only for public educational purposes and are not legal advice specifically tailored to you and your case. Instead, you should retain a lawyer in order to meet your legal needs, since I will be taking no action on your case. Disclosure of confidential information in a public web forum is not recommended and is always subject to being used against you in court. You are welcome to contact my Racine, WI office at 262-633-3090 or email me at [email protected]/* */ for further information. Web forum answers may contain attorney advertising materials.

What will the Philippines be like in next 20 years?

What will the Philippines be like in next 20 years?
There will be more technology,work,etc..
One sentence = The country would be more developed

How to start ATV 110 with remote?

How to start ATV 110 with remote?
push the lock button then push the power button

is it illegal to evict a tenant during the winter in New Jersey?


is it illegal to evict a tenant during the winter in New Jersey?



Does the cooling fins on a car engine?

Does the cooling fins on a car engine?
On cars that have them they are air cooled since there is no radiator.

How can you become a better girlfriend for your boyfriend to appreciate you more?

How can you become a better girlfriend for your boyfriend to appreciate you more?
well, i dont know about you, but i would just be myself, and if he doesnt like you very much, then why are you going out with him. i mean i know you probably think hes cute, or will get you more popular or whatever, but you should just focus on what your brain and heart are telling you, and if this guys not into who you are then get rid of him.

Hello, small brief background. Adult Store part of the County Of Santa Clara, is now part of the City of San Jose. Store is being issued a s...


Hello, small brief background. Adult Store part of the County Of Santa Clara, is now part of the City of San Jose. Store is being issued a shutdown compliance order to close in two months. Based upon this city zone law:

"20.80.040 Amortization - Annexed Property

Any Adult use as defined in Sections 20.200.050, 20.200.060, 20.200.070 or 20.200.740 of this

Title which was a legal use at the time of annexation of the property into the City but which does

not conform to the provisions of this Chapter shall be terminated within two years of the date of

annexation, unless an extension of time has been approved by the City Council in accordance with

the provisions of Section 20.80.050."

The above sections state what is an adult type of establishment, store, theater, adult dance club etc

Store has been in written and verbal correspondence with the city for the past two years and now the city is ordering the store to close.

a) My question: Can the store file an injunction to hault closure or take it to court at this point or is it too late.

b) Based upon this section below is it too late if no challenges have been filed and can the city do this with these provisions.

"20.80.050 Extension of Time for Termination of Nonconforming Use

A. The operator of a nonconforming use as described in Section 20.80.040 may apply under the

provisions of this Section to the City Council for an extension of time within which to

terminate the nonconforming use.

B. An application for an extension of time within which to terminate a use made

nonconforming upon annexation may be filed by the owner of the real property upon which

such use is operated or by the operator of the use. Such an application must be filed with

the City Clerk at least ninety (90) days but no more than one hundred eighty"


I suggest speaking to a competent real estate attorney in your area.

is it true If you are on a month-to-month lease, the landlord can modify the terms of the lease after giving 30-days notice. And if you are ...


is it true If you are on a month-to-month lease, the landlord can modify the terms of the lease after giving 30-days notice. And if you are not renting on a month-to-month basis, the landlord cannot unilaterally change the terms of the lease?


Sort of. If you have been in the premises more than a year, the landlord must give 60-days notice of a change, including rent increases. If you are renting on a lease for a specified number of months, a year, etc., the landlord can only change the terms at renewal time, but also bear in mind that if a lease for a specified time runs out without a new lease being signed but the tenant continues to occupy the premises and pays rent, then the law automatically turns that into a month to month rental governed by the terms of the lease. So at that point the landlord has the same rights and restrictions on changing terms as if it had been month to month all along.

Arguing is a methods of oral communication?

Arguing is a methods of oral communication?
it shouldn't be...but unfortunately some people do feel they can communicate their feelings better by arguing!

Interesting cute short English word?

Interesting cute short English word?

What are the disadvantages of film industry?

What are the disadvantages of film industry?
The hours are probably the worst part of working in the film industry. The standard is supposed to be 12 hour camera days but that can easily turn into 14-15 hours after wrapping up and going home. Some departments including locations and transport can be working up to 20 hours a day and may get fewer than nine hours turnaround time before they have to be back at work for the next day.

Another disadvantage is that you work with some miserable people who hate their lives and jobs and just make the day harder to get through. You also deal with a lot of sexism, homophobia, and harassment from certain departments with very few consequences because if you complain, then you will not be hired again. Also, many people are trying to get out of the film industry for these reasons but are trapped because they don't have any transferable skills or they have families and need the income which is generally better than most labor jobs.

I hope this answers your question.

my wife took out a bike loan 2 months ago, and my name is second on the loan ,but i will be filing chapter 7 in 2 months will she lose the b...


my wife took out a bike loan 2 months ago, and my name is second on the loan ,but i will be filing chapter 7 in 2 months will she lose the bike?


No, as long as she continues to make the payments on the loan. Under Connecticut law (Section 36a-645) you are not required to sign a reaffirmation agreement. Just because you filed a bankruptcy petition does not mean that the Vehicle Finance Company has the right to repossess the vehicle. They will not be sending you bills, but she still has to pay.

My landlord had my car towed stating that the tag that was on it wasn't registered to my car and the vin number was covered by mail on the d...


My landlord had my car towed stating that the tag that was on it wasn't registered to my car and the vin number was covered by mail on the dash. The police gained access to the inside of my car and saw pay receipts and registration for the car. The vin was ran and they claim the car wouldn't pull up as being registered in Mississippi. I called my landlord when the tow truck was parked outside her office to verify it was my vehicle and not stolen or anything, I was told I would get a call back and she never called. I attempted to call her 3 days later when I returned in town and the office was closed. After asking the repair man to call her she stated she would not talk to me about it until Monday (this was a Friday)... 315 has already accrued..i feel the manager should pay to have my vehicle released. what can I do?


First you need to clear up the registration issue with the police. That is the most important. As for the rest, that can work itself out once the main problem is cleared

My husband and I were looking to move in April I notified our landlord by phone last week. Our lease says that we need 30 days written notic...


My husband and I were looking to move in April I notified our landlord by phone last week. Our lease says that we need 30 days written notice I was going to turn this in with our monthly rent. Our lease states that we need 2 months additional rent to break the leae. But in September of last year when our lease was up we had never resigned an additional lease we have been paying month to month. Is our landlord able to enforce lease conditions if there is not a current signed lease?


What does your old lease say about the lease expiring. Generally leases ether automatically renew but that would have to be in the old lease if not then the lease runs month to month. Besides you're not breaking the lease. that would only be true if lease automatically renewed.


The Wall Street Journal cover price?

The Wall Street Journal cover price?
$1.50 or $2.00

If I am a homeowner and I rent out my garage to someone who grows marijuana am I liable if they are arrested?


If I am a homeowner and I rent out my garage to someone who grows marijuana am I liable if they are arrested?


Since it is on your property and you obviously have knowledge of it, you could be liable.

i received a proposal for work on my house. The proposal included a scope of work, pricing schedule and an acceptance signature line. I verb...


i received a proposal for work on my house. The proposal included a scope of work, pricing schedule and an acceptance signature line. I verbally told the contractor that we accepted and asked him to send me a new version that included a start date for me to sign. Did I "orally agree" to his proposal such that it is now a contract?


Generally speaking, two parties may create a verbal contract. However, in Pennsylvania, contractors who work with homeowners are required to comply with a statute referred to as HICPA. There is a requirement that contracts be in writing, and that both the homeowner and the contractor sign the document. As a practical matter, you may still avoid signing the written contract by informing the contractor that you are no longer interested in accepting the proposal. Even if you signed the written contract and everything was in order, under HICPA you would still have the right to rescind the agreement up to 3 days after it was signed.

Trying to buy a truck but current owner lost the title, they also no longer have a license, and they can't get 1 right now cause they have u...


Trying to buy a truck but current owner lost the title, they also no longer have a license, and they can't get 1 right now cause they have unpaid tickets, so my question is can I get a signed bill of sale and have it notarized and then in any way get the title myself or at least will that hold up as ownership for me until they do get the title so I can go ahead and pay them and get the truck and not worry about them trying to pull any funny business


Do a UCC SEARCH THROUGH THE SECRETARY of STATE for the UCC filing or the Department of Motor Vehicles for the Title (you can find out either way whether there is a lienholder). If there is and you pay the "current owner" you may have to pay a second time. In short I recommend you not do it.

I have set up a business entity as a s-corp one year ago with 3 others but they all backed out. i ended up putting an INC. at the end of my ...


I have set up a business entity as a s-corp one year ago with 3 others but they all backed out. i ended up putting an INC. at the end of my website and product and busies name.. Everything has INC. on it. should i set uo as a Sole proprietorship and can i keep INC. at the end of my name? what should i do? for example my website WWW.RokkorInc.com and my logo is attached.. Please help me with an answer. thank you


Generally speaking, having an inc as part of the domain name does not have official legal significance. However, operating through an entity is important to limit one's personal liability regardless of how many shareholders (partners) there are. You should consider forming a new company with you as the sole shareholder.

If you need help ping me offline.

Roman R. Fichman, Esq.

www.TheLegalists.com │ @TheLegalist

email: Info (@) TheLegalists (dot) com

t e l : 2 1 2 -- 3 3 7 -- 9 8 3 7

Disclaimer: This post has been written for educational purposes only and was not meant to be legal advice and should not be construed as legal advice or be relied upon. No intention exists to create an attorney-client relationship or any other special relationship or privilege through this post. The post may contain errors, inaccuracies and/or omissions. You should always consult an attorney admitted to practice in your jurisdiction for specific advice. This post may be deemed as Attorney Advertising.


"Inc." means you have a corporation. A "sole proprietorship" is not a corporation, so you cannot use Inc. with that entity. Why do you not simply keep the corporation? More importantly than having the "Inc" at the end of the corporate name, you will have protection for the name in the state and you will be insulated from individual liability if you remain incorporated. I would think twice before operating without a corporation.

Friday, September 26, 2014

is it legal for said in california to withhold information about my child's case if I am not the payee and I am his legal guardean


is it legal for said in california to withhold information about my child's case if I am not the payee and I am his legal guardean


Under the SSA rules, even if you are the guardian or have a power of attorney, they will only communicate with the payee. And this is because the SSA rules are federal and a guardianship is as a result of a state court action. So it is legal what the SSA is doing.

Imagistics transfer unit cm2520 What is dose mean?

Imagistics transfer unit cm2520 What is dose mean?
Imagistics ought to transfer with the rendering of heedfulness, and not eventually be unreasonably staggered on it by unit cm2520

I was told that my record for felony forgery (2003) could not be expunged in Harris County, Texas. What else can I do?


I was told that my record for felony forgery (2003) could not be expunged in Harris County, Texas. What else can I do?


Records can be expunged if you are acquitted, the case is dismissed or if you are pardoned.

My bank has understated the amount of interest I paid in 2014 on my HELOC on the tax document for the IRS. They said that they will NOT chan...


My bank has understated the amount of interest I paid in 2014 on my HELOC on the tax document for the IRS. They said that they will NOT change the form for 2014, but will add the deficiency to my 2015 return. MY account is now closed at my request. Can the bank do that with tax documents?


If you can prove conclusively that the amount that you actually paid within the tax year is different than what the bank reported, then you should claim the correct amount on your return. If it is flagged for examination, you can demonstrate the accuracy of your return; what the bank says is not Gospel, just the starting point for the IRS verification process.

Best wishes,



Attorney Graves us absolutely correct. I would also send a letter to the bank requesting they correct the 1099 they sent you got 2014.

I was in a car wreck at the end of March, the driver who hit me had expired tags and no insurance. I had to pay my deductible and file a cla...


I was in a car wreck at the end of March, the driver who hit me had expired tags and no insurance. I had to pay my deductible and file a claim on my insurance. Now he will not answer anything from my insurance company. What can I do?


Be thankful you purchased uninsured motorist coverage and have your insurance cover the damages.

Incarcerated in California, soon to be released with 3 years probation. With an outstanding felony warrant in Missouri, will probably extrad...


Incarcerated in California, soon to be released with 3 years probation. With an outstanding felony warrant in Missouri, will probably extradited. If he is extradited to MO, what happens to the three years probation in CA?


He will still be serving his three years probation in Missouri. If he is extradited it is a good idea to call the probation office and inform them of the extradition to prevent an absconding warrant from being issued.

if an adult inmate has been released into a family members custody, what does this mean?


if an adult inmate has been released into a family members custody, what does this mean?


This can't really be answered without knowing more information. Mental issues? Jail/prison issues? These can be very complex so I suggest that instead of going on a forum such as this you actually sit down with an attorney to see what this means for your case.

After 7 years we still do not have a formal agreement on file with the court. I recently moved to Texas and my ex will not place our childre...


After 7 years we still do not have a formal agreement on file with the court. I recently moved to Texas and my ex will not place our children on a plane unless I fly back to pick them up. Is there a simple to resolve this issue without a protracted and expensive legal battle?


I do not understand why you would not have a parenting court order after 7 years of being involved in this family law matter. If you have no parenting orders addressing this issue and cannot get the other parent to agree to a stipulated parenting order, the obvious next step is to file a motion with the court requesting the establishment of a specific visitation and parenting plan.


I am assuming you have not filed or finalized the divorce, or were never married. The short answer would be to come out and pick up the kids, but that would mean being penny wise and pound foolish. Without an order, you can be brought into Court at any time for a custody and visitation order. Until you establish residence in Texas, California is the only court with jurisdiction, and you can be forced to fight it in court in California.

I think your best bet is to file something, depending on what the situation is, to bring this matter before the Court immediately. Come to an agreement with your ex, and have a judge sign it. In the long run, that is going to be your cheapest option by far.

Why won't the fan turn on when the car is hot while driving?

Why won't the fan turn on when the car is hot while driving?
if its not turning on then its broken.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Is an email offer of employment with wages and starting date requesting a response by a certain date considered a contract? If I responded t...


Is an email offer of employment with wages and starting date requesting a response by a certain date considered a contract? If I responded to the email accepting the offer, then before my start date was told they are withdrawing the offer due to background report convictions. I immediately asked for a copy and have not received one. Was only told they could not hire me unless "it changed" I assume that means get misdemeanors expunged. They did not tell me not to report to work (My start date is tomorrow) only that they would have a HR secretary send me the report. What do I do show up for my first day, supposed to be mandatory training etc and receive job assignments. I did consent to a background check and did pass a drug test. I assumed everything was ok when I was offered the job. I was never asked about my criminal history until after I was told they could not hire me she said "do you know of any convictions on your record?" I responded truthfully. Yet was never told not to come to work, or given a copy of the report or even an email withdrawing the offer. Should I show up and prepare to explain my misdemeanor petty theft conviction? What if they tell me to go home?


I assume that the offer was for "at-will" employment. If that is true, then the employer can terminate an employment contract before the employee starts work, just like it could discharge an employee who has already started working. The employee would have no right to a job or salary, though in certain circumstances might have recourse for money spent in reliance on the employment. The employer could certainly tell the employee to go home if he tried to report for work, and the employee would be require to comply.

Which instrument requires a microphone to record?

Which instrument requires a microphone to record?
acoustic instruments

Is Mortgage Principal Forgiveness offer from Bank of America legitimate? The way the packet is worded leaves everything open for the possibi...


Is Mortgage Principal Forgiveness offer from Bank of America legitimate? The way the packet is worded leaves everything open for the possibility of changes made to the agreement that could potentially be significant.


Yes. They not too common; however, they do happen. Beware that a 1099C Cancellation of Debt is most like coming next year. You should have a competent attorney review the document and explain it. Also talk to a tax specialist on the 1099C. The IRS webpage has good publications on this tax issue and there is a real possibility that you not incur a tax liability if the matter is handled right.

Joseph Brien, Esquire


How many gallons of water is wasted washing a car?

How many gallons of water is wasted washing a car?
You can wash a car with as little as 1 gallon when you wash by hand.
it takes 58.7 liters to wash a car by hand, and 25.4 when u go thru a car wash.

Who is liable if something blows out of your truck and hits another car?

Who is liable if something blows out of your truck and hits another car?
You are. It was in your truck and not properly tied down or restrained. Essentially, you 'littered' and caused damage to someone else.

In the city of Philadelphia, if two people sign one, one year lease and one person decides to move out early, is that person responsible to ...


In the city of Philadelphia, if two people sign one, one year lease and one person decides to move out early, is that person responsible to uphold their end of the lease?


It depends on how the lease is written, but generally, if two people sign a lease, the landlord can hold both liable for payment of rent for the balance lease term.

If a tenant changes her bank account information and doesn't pay rent and skips out of the contract is there anyway that the landlord can tr...


If a tenant changes her bank account information and doesn't pay rent and skips out of the contract is there anyway that the landlord can track the tennant? And if the tenant doesn't have a social secuirty number and if the tenant changes her cell phone number is there anyway the landlord can track her? The tennant has no references either. And also the tenant has no social secuirty card.


You rented to someone with no social security number and no re fences? And you're surprised they skipped out on you. Either you're renting an apartment so bad that no one with a ssn or references or you're a nine to bright landlord. Also, one who may have harbored an undocumented alien that isn't going to make you a sympathetic victim. Besides how did someone without a SSN get a bank account?

That said even if you find the missing tenant doesn't sound like they have anyway of satisfying any judgment. Chalk this up as tuition to the school of hard knocks. Next time no ssn no refence you don't rental that way you'll get your rent and yo'll stay out of trouble.


Will punto wheels fit 206?

Will punto wheels fit 206?
Punto wheels will not fit a 206. Punto wheels are 4x98. Check withyour local tire dealer to find the correct tires for your vehicle.

I am current on my mortgage. Bank of America purchased my note in the secondary market from CountryWide Financial, who purchased it from ano...


I am current on my mortgage. Bank of America purchased my note in the secondary market from CountryWide Financial, who purchased it from another lender, who purchased it from another lender, who purchased it from another lender, etc, etc...The chain of title was broken and the original signed note was lost. MERS did not record the transfers with my county recorder's office.

here is my question

If I encumber my property with a loan from another private investor, not BofA, can that private investor then file a quiet title action to have BofA removed from title, since the private investor will have his original signed note and BofA will only have a MERS pdf copy?


I told you the answer yesterday. The law doesn't change because you ask your question over and over again. You are simply looking for an attorney who will tell you what you want to hear, rather than be advised that you are wrong. That should give you pause. An attorney who tells you what you want to hear just cares about ripping you off, not giving you cogent legal advice.


I'd further add that part of the problem in your thinking is that you are calling it a mortgage, which it's not. You have a deed of trust. A deed of trust and a mortgage are two completely different security instruments. People who think that they have a mortgage tend to engage in internet research for the term mortgage, and misread laws that don't apply to deeds of trust.


I agree completely with Mr. Roach and would add that you have no clue what you are talking about regarding title. A chain of title can never be broken any more than your chain of lineage can be broken. Your grandparents may die, but the chain remains, and because a chain of title is nothing more than a metaphor for the series of transactions affecting title and those transactions remain, the chain of title remains.


Basically, you are proposing to tell a court of law that you don't have to repay money you borrowed. There is ample evidence that you borrowed the money - the recorded deed of trust, your monthly payments, etc. etc. You are living in a dream world if you think any judge or jury will excuse you from your obligation to repay.

Re my mom's conservator case, is there a lawyer who can work for proceeds from upcoming sale of my rental property? I need an attorney to he...


Re my mom's conservator case, is there a lawyer who can work for proceeds from upcoming sale of my rental property? I need an attorney to help me save my mom from financial/elder abuse. I've done much prep work & can provide a detailed list of evidence/testimony/info. The case was continued to 6/15/15 so I need lawyer who can act fast. Overview: In 2006 my mom (72 yrs old) married 35-yr-old to keep him in the country. From then thru 2011 divorce & thru present day, & thru her documented mental deterioration, he's stolen her money, coerced her to sell property, change her trust & POA, turned her against me. He's guilty of extreme elder abuse. Key evidence/facts include: 2013 police report indicating mom not mentally capable; account statements & cancelled checks showing ex-husband used her credit cards for his own purchases; June 2014 court investigator's report indicates ex- is abusing. 2015 court-ordered HAPS eval indicates she needs conservator. Timeline clearly established that she (coerced by him) made key decisions (trust, POA, property sales) that were invalid due to her mental state.


You first need to identify (a) what county this is in, and (b) what kind of hearing this is. Without that, no attorney is capable of deciding whether he or she can help you.

In addition to looking through profiles on LawGuru, you can contact the local bar association for assistance. You can also ask local senior centers if they have a referral panel. A search through your favorite search engine should reveal attorneys who practice in the field of elder law.

Only with a better description of what the case is about and what needs to be done can an attorney tell you what your fees may cost you. There are also rules of ethics about taking liens on client property for the payment of fees. These, however, you can discuss with the attorneys who are interested in your case.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

own a shop, allows customer Byob do not provide set ups, just somewhere to sit, what is my liability is they cause an accident while drunk?


own a shop, allows customer Byob do not provide set ups, just somewhere to sit, what is my liability is they cause an accident while drunk?


Maryland does not currently have a Dram Shop Law so your exposure to liability may not be to the level that a state that does have one i.e. DC would place on your business; however I would recommend a consultation with an attorney for specifics as the specifics may open up liability in a different way. You are free to contact our firm for a consultation.

If someone who is on parole in the state of texas and violates by having a dirty urine test. What can happen to the parolee?


If someone who is on parole in the state of texas and violates by having a dirty urine test. What can happen to the parolee?


To respond hypothetically as I do not have this person's complete file .... if their PO decides to violate parole, which they don't have to - based on one bad UA - but they can, and if the DA files a new case against you based on that parole violation;


The person will be re-arrested; may not have bond available; will have a new criminal case filed against them, and more-than-likely, they will have to go back into custody for all or part of their sentence and they may not be eligible for parole again. It will all depend on how the new case is negotiated.


And, as I stated above, I would need to see the complete file in order to answer this question.


I would tell this person to retain a good criminal attorney to assist them NOW in order to see what can be done with the PO to try to avoid and before the new case is filed, and also to assist and defend the person, if the DA does file to violate their parole.


Goldstein & Scopellite, PC has qualified defense attorneys and criminal defense lawyers and criminal attorneys available to represent you at either one of their law offices located in Dallas, Texas and Tucson, Arizona - Please visit their websites at www.LawyersDallas.com and www.Lawyers-Tucson.com for more information or to contact them. Thank you.

How does vertical communication affect employee motivation?

How does vertical communication affect employee motivation?
Effective vertical communication and employee satisfaction tends to go hand in hand. Subordinates feel respected by management, and managers should in turn feel respected by their staff. These higher levels of job satisfaction would increase the worker's drive to succeed and thus their motivation.

I currently have a case pending in Superior Court. I recently fired the attorney that was appointed to me because he is not working on my si...


I currently have a case pending in Superior Court. I recently fired the attorney that was appointed to me because he is not working on my side he is working with the DA. I sent him a certified letter stating that he is fired off of my case and to also release any and all paperwork he has pertaining to this case either send it or have it ready for me to pick it up at his office. He then told me he will not give me any paperwork he will only give paperwork to the new attorney I am hiring once he files an appearance in court. Is this a law that he cannot release the papers to me or is he just trying to make things harder for me being nosey and want to know who my new attorney is? I am also calling the Bar Association on him


Are you sure that having him work with the DA is really such a terrible thing? Are you a lawyer? Do you know more about the law than your lawyer? Do you know more about how the Judge and Jury will see the facts in your case than your lawyer? A Superior Court case is felony territory. Although I do not practice criminal law, I know that to practice as an appointed lawyer in Superior Court, that lawyer has to have significant experience.

Have you considered the possibility that you are so anxious about losing your case that you are taking it out on your lawyer? Although occasionally there are bad lawyers - and your lawyer may be bad - far more often, there are distressed clients. If your case does not look winnable, perhaps your lawyer is cozying up to the DA to get you a better deal. I don't know your lawyer - but I like to win. To me, resolving a case short of trial that I have reason to believe will lose at trial IS winning. You're accused of a crime - the facts are with your or against you.

I cannot speak to your request for the file. But what do you care if he knows who your new attorney is? He could easily find out at any time by looking up the docket.

How can improvements in inventory management impact profitability?

How can improvements in inventory management impact profitability?
Inventory represents cash that has been converted into product which has not yet been sold. If a company has ordered too much inventory, they have locked up cash in product which may not be easily converted in to cash, either because sales are not taking place, or the inventory cannot be returned to a vendor. A company must find the balance of not buying too much inventory so it does not have its cash tied up. In a cash crunch, the company may need to borrow money and pay interest when it could have had the ready cash if it had not bought too much inventory.The flip side of this is not having enough inventory to cover sales. A company may lose sales if it cannot supply the needed inventory to a potential customer at the desired time. Also, running short of inventory may require overnight or express shipping or paying higher rates to be resupplied on short notice.Managing inventory requires keeping in touch with customers to guage potential demand for product and monitoring vendors for supply shortages, bottlenecks, discounts, or price increases and ordering just the right amount of inventory to keep pace with demand. A good, clear history of past sales and ordering trends can help inventory managers determine future swings in sales.

What is a naturally correcting market?

What is a naturally correcting market?
A nationally correcting market is a market that corrects itself, such as the real estate market or the job market. In the past, once an upcoming presidential election is about to occur, the job market goes down. Once the President is elected and has been in office for awhile (hard to determine how long, the job market eventually climbs back up). In other words, jobs will be available.

What channel is radio channel 102.7 on tv?

What channel is radio channel 102.7 on tv?
102.7 MHz is not a TV channel exactly but if you are in a near field situation, close to the broadcasting tower, the nearest channel your TV can tune would be in between 96 and 97.

My ex has a restraining order against me without any cause, she did just to keep me away from my daughter, I haven't been able to see her fo...


My ex has a restraining order against me without any cause, she did just to keep me away from my daughter, I haven't been able to see her for a few years, what can I legally do to be able to see my daughter.


File a request for order to return to court to deal with these Barrentine problems. Please meet with an experienced family law attorney to explore your legal options and better understand how to present your case.

Does Liechtenstein use the euro?

Does Liechtenstein use the euro?
No, they use Swiss Franc

What is administration?

What is administration?
According to Theo Haimann, Administration meansoverall determination of policies, setting of major objectives, theidentification of general purposes and laying down of broad programmes andprojects. It refers to the activities of higher level. It lays down basicprinciples of the enterprise. According to Newman, Administration meansguidance, leadership & control of the efforts of the groups towards somecommon goals.It is concerned with formulation of broad objectives, plans& policies.Administration is a decision-making function.

On a system with one hard drive and one cd-rom what is the typical placement of the cd-rom drive?

On a system with one hard drive and one cd-rom what is the typical placement of the cd-rom drive?
Master drive on the primary IDE channel

my mother passed jly 2014. My cousin and her husband did not notify me, I'm deseaseds daughter. Now in looking up something online, my mothe...


my mother passed jly 2014. My cousin and her husband did not notify me, I'm deseaseds daughter. Now in looking up something online, my mothers date of death pops up. This was all kept secretive so that they could get her money and assets. I contacted another family member my aunt, she said she wants nothing to do with it. Now the only reason she would say that is because she knows there was foul play. I have a trust fund, and i am in the will. Unless they fraudulently changed it when mymom was not of sound mind. what to do.


At this point you don't know whether or not you have a case at all. Your statements about the motivation of your relatives is speculation at best. For example, your aunt may simply not want to be involved in any family dispute and may know nothing about any wrong doing.

However, if your mother had a trust, and if she resided in California, then the trustee has to give you notice under Probate Code section 16061.7, and that notice was supposed to have been given within 60 days of the date of death. If there's a probate in the courts, you are also entitled to notice.

You should contact a trust and estates attorney, in California if that's where your mother lived, or in Nevada if she lived there.

I have a base salary and I also get payed perdeim at my job. When paying child support is your perdeim also counted as part of your final sa...


I have a base salary and I also get payed perdeim at my job. When paying child support is your perdeim also counted as part of your final salary? Just trying to see how much child support I'll have to pay.


Child support is based up your gross pay. There are only a few allowable deductions. They include Federal Income Tax, Social Security Tax, Health Insurance paid for the child, Teacher Retirement, and Union Dues. If you are just trying to get an estimate, you can probably google a child support calculator.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Who can give share market tips 100 percent?

Who can give share market tips 100 percent?

My parents live in Michigan and received a bill in the mail in January, 2015 from a surgeon that performed surgery on my Father in March, 20...


My parents live in Michigan and received a bill in the mail in January, 2015 from a surgeon that performed surgery on my Father in March, 2004. The bill stated this charges are for services rendered that were not covered by the insurance carrier they were contracted with at that time. Is there a statute of limitations on medical billing? Are they liable for these charges >10 years post surgery? If not is there something they should do so the surgeon's office will stop sending anxiety causing bills?


It is an unenforceable debt after 6 years here in Michigan. Point this out to them and they should go away. If not, there could be a fair debt collections practices act claim.

What did the initials jd stand for in jed clampetts name?

What did the initials jd stand for in jed clampetts name?
Jefferson Davis Clampett

Can martial arts and Christianity mix?

Can martial arts and Christianity mix?
Yes martial arts and Christianity can mix, many fighters depend on god to get a win or even to be blessed to be in the UFC or other mma events. MMA is just like any other sport, you face greed, pride, anger, but it comes with job!! MMA and Christianity can mix.

I was recenly "suspended" from my job, because I was told I was caught on store cameras, that I would let my co-workers walk out with bags o...


I was recenly "suspended" from my job, because I was told I was caught on store cameras, that I would let my co-workers walk out with bags of unpaid merchandise. I was not showed the video of the alleged "crime", but i was told i am supposed to pay the amount of almost $6,000. I also had to sign a paper.


What is your question? They can file a criminal case against you for aggregate theft for the totality of the thefts. If they do that, and it is accepted at $6,000, then the case will be a felony. The employers did not have to show you the videos but if you get charged with a criminal case, they will have to show you the video.

Do you think it amounts to $6,000? If not, then you might get a lawyer to help intercede to try to get a reasonable amount of restitution while trying to avoid a criminal charge.

Monday, September 22, 2014

If your vehicle is skidding sideways you should what?

If your vehicle is skidding sideways you should what?
They say to steer "into" the skid.

Can you introduce about bytrade?

Can you introduce about bytrade?
Bytrade -it is the professional factory buy sell B2B trade marketplace with the best public praise all over the world,It gather with most powerful and competitive manufacturers and enterprises. At present ,it is one of the most professional buy sell trade marketplace

And we are looking forward to your join free

Bytrade help you do business sincerely

I have received an "order on motion to perfect motor vehicle liens under supplementary proceedings" what doesvthis mean?


I have received an "order on motion to perfect motor vehicle liens under supplementary proceedings" what doesvthis mean?


What does it say? Typically this is an order to take a lien on a vehicle and make it legally enforceable. You will not be able to sell the vehicle without paying off the lien (which probably accrues interest).


It sounds like someone is attempting to levy on your car in order to satisfy a judgment. I would seek some legal help or be prepared to lose the car.

What is Carly shayes real phone number in real life not on icarly?

What is Carly shayes real phone number in real life not on icarly?

How fast can an electric scooter go?

How fast can an electric scooter go?
15 - 25 mph top out max

I am being sued by a debt collector in the state of Missouri. I don't live in that state now. I want to avoid a default judgment against me....


I am being sued by a debt collector in the state of Missouri. I don't live in that state now. I want to avoid a default judgment against me. The debt is only one or two months from being legally uncollectible (5 years). What would be my best course of action?



Hire a Missouri lucensed attorney to represent you in the litigation.

Good luck


You should hire an attorney in or near the area of the Court where suit was filed. The filing of the lawsuit stayed the running of the statute of limitations. I've handled these cases for the last 37 years. Feel free to call me if the suit is in or near St. Louis.

I need to finalize my divorce in California and I'm in Texas. How can I do this? There's no property involved, I just need to file a simple ...


I need to finalize my divorce in California and I'm in Texas. How can I do this? There's no property involved, I just need to file a simple "no property to split" form and the final judgment request. What can I do, and can I do it online?


I don't know since I am not licensed to practice in CA.

You need to contact a CA attorney. Look on this website and www.avvo.com for an attorney to help you.

What are my rights as a tenant. I work from home and will be moving soon. I gave my landlord my days off to show the place for potential ren...


What are my rights as a tenant. I work from home and will be moving soon. I gave my landlord my days off to show the place for potential renters. However for my job I have to protect customers personal information, so having people walking thru my home when im working is an issue and possible breach of personal information when im working. Do I have any rights? My landlord lives out of state and will have someone showing the place I rent.


Your landlord must give you 'reasonable' notice before he/she or their agent enters your apartment. 'Reasonable' has been interpreted by courts to be notice no less than 24 hours before entering, except in an emergency. The time of day at which the landlord can enter must also be 'reasonable.' Generally speaking, neither 5am nor 10pm are reasonable times. However, times during 'working hours' or during the early evening have been found to be reasonable.

At the National Visa Center have submitted all required documents, for which have confirmed their accuracy and have made visa fees(visa appl...


At the National Visa Center have submitted all required documents, for which have confirmed their accuracy and have made visa fees(visa application fee $400.00). I completed forms DS-3032 and DS-230, part I of II. Has passed over two months and does not send me the date of interview in USA consulate in my country.

Is possible to expire all submitted fees and documents?

When can I do an interview?


Depending on the consulate you are processing through, the scheduling time can vary. If you submitted all the required documents and fees all you can do is wait for your interview to be scheduled. You may want to follow up with the consulate directly.

Seeta L. Nangia, Esq.

Law Offices of Seeta Nangia

Exclusively Practicing Immigration Law

Phone: (415) 273-9123

Email: [email protected]/* */

Website: www.nangialaw.com

I am going to court with my 9 year old sons father for support. We were never married, never lived together. My son does not know him. He ha...


I am going to court with my 9 year old sons father for support. We were never married, never lived together. My son does not know him. He has never had visitation rights, nor has he been alone with my son. I had an order of protection for my son and I that recently expired. He had threatened to kill my son in detail, verbally to I and his sister. My job wants me to relocate to iowa, from illinois. Do I have to legally notify him given the situation? I do not know where he resides either and he has lied to the support court of his address. What are my rights on relocating?


Did he sign a voluntary acknowledgment of paternity, or 'VAP'? Was he present when your son was born and did he sign the birth certificate? Has he ever been established to be the father of your son by any court? If no to all of the above and if you were not married when your son was born then there is no presumption of paternity in Ilinois. In that case, he would not have any established rights as a father. Have you thought about petitioning for a new order of protection? If so, you could ask the court for permission to remove your son to Iowa.

we sue somebody and we won so we got the check and went to cash checking place and cashed it . after almost a month they called us and told ...


we sue somebody and we won so we got the check and went to cash checking place and cashed it . after almost a month they called us and told us the check wasn't good and we need to return the money. meanwhile who ever wrote the check to us contacted them and took full resposnibility and told them he will pay them. but he didn't so far. so am i responsible or the person who wrote the check is responsible if the cash checking place sue us.


I would have to see the written agreement between you and the check cashing business to state with certainty, but most likely, it provided that you would be responsible for refunding the money they provided you if it turns out the check was no good. However, if they sued you, you could still pursue the party that wrote the bad check to recover whatever money you have to repay the check cashing business. Hopefully, the defendant will re-pay the check cashing business and you will not get sued. If not, there is a risk that you will be liable and will have to re-pay the check cashing business and pursue the defendant for reimbursement.

How do you convert Black money into White Money?

How do you convert Black money into White Money?
Black money is Total money minus White money.
White money is Total money minus Black money.

In todays India everyone have lots of Black Money with them. It is common phenomenon that most of the people converts or they want to convert their Black Money into White Money.

1. Black money can be convereted into White money by donations to PM funds, National emergency fund, Forming educational institutions and trusts.

2. Go to a Jeweller and give him the amount of Black money you want to convert it into White money. He would give you a Cheque back for the same amount less 4%. He would give you a Reciept to show that you have Sold Jewellery to him. On the amount of the cheque when you file your returns you will have to pay capital gain tax. The money is White now.

my son (9) was injured on someone else's property, can I file a claim?


my son (9) was injured on someone else's property, can I file a claim?


It depends on the facts of how he was injured. If there was negligence on the part of someone else, than you possibly have a claim. The other homeowner is not a guarantor of safety without some negligence or a duty that was breached. Some homeowner's policies have medical payment coverage available to pay for medical expenses up to a certain amount. Consult with an attorney.


To get a meaningful answer, you need to re-post your questions with details such as how your son was injured, the nature of his injuries, whether the injury occurred on private property, commercial property or governmental property and what you believe the property owner did wrong that caused your son's injury. Alternatively, you may just want to call a local personal injury attorney and explain the situation.

how do you get divorced while in jail if you have no contact info for your spouse


how do you get divorced while in jail if you have no contact info for your spouse


Hire an attorney.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

What country has the strictest emission standards for automobiles?

What country has the strictest emission standards for automobiles?
United states

Which is better.pajero or prado?

Which is better.pajero or prado?
pajero: cheaper, better onroad
Prado: better off road more technology

I have a close female friend who has owned a home (Joint Tenants With Right Of Survivorship) along with a boyfriend for many years. Unfortun...


I have a close female friend who has owned a home (Joint Tenants With Right Of Survivorship) along with a boyfriend for many years. Unfortunately, the relationship went sour, so the best thing is for her is to leave. Now the big question is..... whether the JTWROS can be broken? I heard it's both possible and easy.


It's possible, but not easy. If they had a co-ownership agreement or some kind of partnership agreement, it may provide for how the property would be divided when the relationship went south, but unless bf is willing to unwind the homeownership amicably, she may have to go through a court partition action.

She should consult a local real estate lawyer to explore her options.


* If the answers to your question confirm that you have a valid issue or worthwhile claim, your next step should almost always be to establish a dialog with a lawyer who can provide specific advice to you. Contact a lawyer in your county or township.

* Another reason for contacting a lawyer is that it is often impossible to give a good answer in the Internet Q&A format without having more information. The unique circumstances of your situation and things that you may not have thought to mention in your question may completely change the answer. If you want to be sure that you have a complete answer to your question and an understanding of what that answer means, establish a connection with a lawyer who practices in the area of your concern.

can you sue a union if they go on strike?can the public do a class action lawsuit against unions that forced gas prices to go up affecting t...


can you sue a union if they go on strike?

can the public do a class action lawsuit against unions that forced gas prices to go up affecting the whole country?


No. The National Labor Relations Act long ago protected the unions right to strike. No only are they legally protected, it is illegal to attempt to interfere with that right.

My parents gave my husband and me a car. They signed a piece of paper that states that they did give the car to us. The car has transmission...


My parents gave my husband and me a car. They signed a piece of paper that states that they did give the car to us. The car has transmission problems, and it doesn't run. Since we live with my husband's parents, we brought the car home and parked it in the back. My father in law is threatening us to get the title or he is getting rid of it, can he do that? My parents are waiting on that? My parents haven't given us the title because they don't have it, the bank does. They are waiting on the bank to clear final payments etc. Which is why we haven't worked on it. Can my father in law give the car away and move it? It's rightfully mine and my husbands. If he does, what can we do about it? It's on his dad's property, but we live their too.


No landlord, family or not, wants a broken down car on their property. In fact, most apartment leases specifically say that. It is your in-laws house and the fact that they allow you to stay there does not mean you have the right to do what you want. Assuming your father-in-law is serious, either move it (perhaps to your parents' house) or he probably will. He can have it towed (there may be abandoned vehicle ordinances he should follow).

Can an employer tell an employee how the employee can or cannot react to something they say or do? Basically, I was told that I was not allo...


Can an employer tell an employee how the employee can or cannot react to something they say or do? Basically, I was told that I was not allowed to have any adverse reaction to anything a member of management or a peer says or does to me. Is this legal? What about my freedom of speech? I am not disrespectful to anyone and I feel this is unfair. I was actually written up for another issue, but this was included.


The simple rule is that you are responsible for your words and actions. If your employer does not like your words and actions, whether or not you think it is fair or unfair, you risk termination. There is no general right or entitlement to a job (absent a contract). There is no "freedom of speech" in a private setting (and freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences). You did not share the details, so this is just general information.

Does the texas family code apply when we have moved to another state?


Does the texas family code apply when we have moved to another state?


Your question does not make sense.

If there are court orders from Texas then those orders need to be moved to the new state. The current orders apply until modified by a new judge.

If you have any more questions, call an attorney in your county. Look on this website or on www.avvo.com for help.


Generally, if court (custody) orders were previously entered in Texas, then, possibly Yes.

And if those orders state that you cannot move without modifying the order, then, by moving out of the state without a court ordering the modification to allow the move, the parent that moved could be in contempt of court.

If there are custody orders entered and there is no county or state restriction mentioned in the orders, you can hire an attorney in the new state and under the UCCJEA they can try to transfer and register the order in the new state, but the other parent could object, for even if an order state nothing about the jurisdiction, the court may still require a modification to move out of the jurisdiction, unless the order specifically states that there is NO jurisdictional restriction or that the other parent approves.

However, if there are no previous custody orders entered and if 6 months or more has passed with you living in a new state, the other parent who is still in Texas would need to file a suit in the new state where you live to get custody.etc.

I would need more information from you in order to answer this question.

Goldstein & Scopellite, PC has qualified child custody attorneys and family law attorney available to represent you at either one of their law offices located in Dallas, Texas and Tucson, Arizona - Please visit their websites at www.LawyersDallas.com and www.Lawyers-Tucson.com for more information or to contact them. Thank you.

Loaned a cell phone to someone and they refused to return it when asked to. Tried several times to contact them via certafield mail. The ind...


Loaned a cell phone to someone and they refused to return it when asked to. Tried several times to contact them via certafield mail. The individual refused to sign for the letter. Sent request to return cell phone by us mail with delivery conformation. Letter was delivered. No reply.


Go to carrier and turn off the phone. Now the person owns "a brick".

You can go to small claims court but it might not be worth the time and money. Go to your local small claims court and find out their procedures. Some require mediation before you can file a lawsuit.

i want a divorce and my husband does not want to file. i now live in mass. and he's in california. I allowed him to stay with my son for the...


i want a divorce and my husband does not want to file. i now live in mass. and he's in california. I allowed him to stay with my son for the holidays. he now does not want to return him, and i don't know what to do? Also i can't afforrd to pay much for a attorney, is there low income or free legal assistance that i am eligible for?


Contact Boston Legal Services

What is functional distribution of income?

What is functional distribution of income?
When the focus is on how the tax system changes the distributionof income among capitalists, laborers, and landlords. This isreferred to as the functional distribution ofincome.

How do i file for divorce if i live in another state?


How do i file for divorce if i live in another state?


It depends on the state and the circumstances. More information is needed to give a definitive answer to this question.

What is a Distressed Property Purchaser and Distress Property Conveyance in the Mortgage Rescue Fraud Act?I'm interested in being a Distress...


What is a Distressed Property Purchaser and Distress Property Conveyance in the Mortgage Rescue Fraud Act?

I'm interested in being a Distressed Property Purchaser and Conveyance in Illinois? Does the Distressed Property Purchaser have to return the interest and property back to the homeowner at a later date as with the Distressed Property Conveyance in Illinois? Is a any type of license required to be a Distressed Property Purchaser and Distressed Property Conveyance in Illinois?


The law ((765 ILCS 940/) Mortgage Rescue Fraud Act) defines these terms. Whether the property or you fit into the definitions should be found by applying the definitions in the act to your facts. If you can't it's time to hire an attorney. As to buying and selling properties, you can buy or sell for yourself without having to be licensed, but if you try to do it for a third party (other than a spouse or child) and attempt to claim a commission, you need a State license.

What are positive ways of colony?

What are positive ways of colony?
posotive ways of colonies are the u.s.a.

Did they ever make a junie b Jones film?

Did they ever make a junie b Jones film?

Saturday, September 20, 2014

my son is not married but has a son to be born in June. What rights does he have?


my son is not married but has a son to be born in June. What rights does he have?


Until the child is born, none.

After the child is born, until and unless he legitimizes the child, none.

Regardless he must pay child support.

my mom pass away and my brther came and live with our dad he neven paid for anything he work but now he thinks he can live in the house as l...


my mom pass away and my brther came and live with our dad he neven paid for anything he work but now he thinks he can live in the house as long as he want to be couse he was the care giver is the true


If your father is alive he controls who lives in the house. If your father has died, his will controls who gets the property. If no will, the property passes by intestacy to the heirs, including you. The care giver does not get some special priority for that role alone.



What is the philosophy of McDonald's?

What is the philosophy of McDonald's?

My friend has a job as a housekeeper in a reputable hotel. A room she is told to clean after checkout, smells of marijuana. Is it legal for ...


My friend has a job as a housekeeper in a reputable hotel. A room she is told to clean after checkout, smells of marijuana. Is it legal for the hotel to force her to clean this room against her wishes. She does not want to inhale this, effect her health, effect her legally either but she does not want to start a problem where her job is on the line either. What can she do?


The odor of marijuana would not effect her health in any way nor would it have any negative legal effect on her. If it is still a problem for her, she can contact her supervisor and have them come in the room and have someone else clean it.

7 years ago I lost a property in a land contract forfeiture. The creditors got the property back. However, my lawyers failed to obtain from ...


7 years ago I lost a property in a land contract forfeiture. The creditors got the property back. However, my lawyers failed to obtain from the creditors and file a "satisfaction of judgement" document with the court. I have been trying to contact my lawyers in this case and they will not return my calls.

My credit has been severely damaged by this and I am unable to refinace my house because of this.

What can I do?


Did you pay your lawyers? If not, this is a good reason that they might not return your call. It sounds as if you forced the the contract holder to obtain a judgment against you instead of signing the property back over in an accord and settlement. Your credit was damaged because you promised to pay the contract, and then you failed or refused to pay. If you have proof that you forfeited the property, then you can show that the debt is no longer outstanding, but your breach of contract (and judgment for the breach) does not disappear with a satisfaction of judgment. Your current creditors must consider your past performance before they take a risk, and lend you more money, based on your promise to pay. What can you do? Improve your credit score by paying your bills on time and your accounts as promised. Eventually, your credit lapses will fade away.

My mother committed suicide after waiting for a medical malpractice claim that had been ongoing for 4 1/2 years. She had surgical equipment ...


My mother committed suicide after waiting for a medical malpractice claim that had been ongoing for 4 1/2 years. She had surgical equipment left in her after a procedure. She gained a lot of weight and became very depressed due to not being able to work any longer. The attorney is stating that the settlement amount will significantly decrease due to her being gone, but changed the case to a wrongful death and stating my Mother took her life due to being destitute (which was true). He states the Michigan Cap is 411,300. Shouldn't we be entitled to the same amount she would have received?


it's still a medical malpractice case. when a person dies as a result of medical malpractice, it's also called a wrongful death case, but the medical malpractice caps apply in both instances. the cap is on non-economic damages only, which are the intangible ones, such as pain and suffering,intentional distress, etc. there is no cap on economic damages, which include lost wages, medical bills, loss of job or earning capacity or opportunity - tangible damages that are easily measured. since she has passed, her "lost wages" have stopped incurring and she is not being damaged everyday by not being able to work. now, if she had any dependents (people she was financially supporting or responsible for, such as minor children or a disabled spouse), they would be entitled to compensation in an amount that your mother would have otherwise provided to them, and for pain & suffering, etc., had she not died. it sounds like she did not have any dependents who could be awarded damages, or otherwise your attorney would not have said that.

i have worked on malpractice cases wherein a person committed suicide because an organ transplant failed and she was tired of dealing with her condition, having dialysis, etc. however, that is not the doctor or hospital's fault as they did nothing wrong during the high risk organ transplant, as a suicide is not a "reasonably foreseeable" result or consequence, and doctors are rarely held liable for it. yet, they are liable for your mother's damages as a result of their malpractice when leaving equipment in her, assuming that was a proximate cause of her physical injuries and/or mental condition, such as compensation for the emotional distress or pain & suffering she incurred while she was alive, wages she missed out on if she had been working but couldn't due to the malpractice, and any expenses she incurred.

if your mother was married, her spouse also has a claim for damages that he has suffered.

sorry about your situation, and good luck with your lawsuit, and making peace with this.

Why is it illegal to park in handycap parking space but you can use a handy cap toilet?

Why is it illegal to park in handycap parking space but you can use a handy cap toilet?
Parking spaces are easier to patrol. :)

How much Venezuela barrel oil cost?

How much Venezuela barrel oil cost?
President Hugo Chvez reported that the basket traded on Tuesday, December 23 at USD 27.10 / barrel, that is USD 5.04, or 15.6 percent, lower than the average of USD 32.14 recorded last Friday. "It is a resounding drop," conceded the head of state.http://english.eluniversal.com/2008/12/24/en_ing_esp_venezuelan-oil-close_24A2176015.shtml

What is afactory?

What is afactory?
a factory is a place where sort of things are made.

Friday, September 19, 2014

I have recently moved to China and am trying to get divorced in Hamilton County, Ohio. If my wife and I both agree and sign a no-contest div...


I have recently moved to China and am trying to get divorced in Hamilton County, Ohio. If my wife and I both agree and sign a no-contest divorce and file it with the courts, can she show up on the court date and object to the agreement that has been signed by both of us, or even try to make changes to the agreement? I cannot be there since I am in China and would have no way to object or make my own arguments.

On a related, but not nearly as important, question. How long does it take to receive a certified divorce certificate after the court hearing?


This answer is the typical it depends. :) There are ways to try and prepare the documents to protect yourself from her changing her mind at the final hearing. Your best bet is to hire an attorney to prepare the documents for you and appear on your behalf at the final hearing. The bonus to that is that if an attorney prepares the documents there is less likelihood of having issues after the hearing with getting the documents approved. This will lead to a MUCH shorter time getting "officially" divorced and receiving certified copies of the Divorce Decree. Finally, an attorney will make sure you are adequately represented and there are no surprises. As long as everything is agreed upon, that kind of service should be relatively affordable. The peace of mind is worth it.

What is the meaning of development administration?

What is the meaning of development administration?
action oriented
goal oriented
change oriented effort is development administration

Development administration is concerned with plans, policies, programmes and projects which focuses on nation building and socio-economic development. It aims to achieve socio-economic goals through the talents and expertise of bureaucrats.

Development administration focuses on the results to be achieved rather than the traditionalist view of strict adherence to rules and hierarchy. Strict adherence to rules creates rigidness, delay and procrastination.Development per se is oriented towards change in a destined direction. Thus, development administration is change oriented and rejects status quo.Every development functions have a goal to be achieved. i.e Economic Development has the goal to improve the quality of life such as better literacy rate, life expectancy and reduction in poverty rates.For the goals to be achieved, to relate the means to ends, planning and temporal dimension is a salient feature. Planning aids in deciding the resource required for the goal, the time in which it needs to achieve.Development administration has an innovative dimension, it is flexible enough to design new methods, procedures, policies which would save time, increase effectiveness and quality.Administrators under this concept are required to be committed to the policies, plans and programmes. The commitment is not necessarily to the political parties, who enacts the policies but to the values that an administrator should upheld in his/her profession.Development is ultimately aimed to the people, hence it should accord primacy to the public the administration should be client oriented. For the development functions to be effective and for it to be people oriented, participation of people is emphasized in formulating plans, implementation and sharing the benefits deriv ed. Thus Development administration should focus on "planning with people" rather than "planning for people". It should be people centered rather than production centered. i.e not in maximizing production, goods and services but to address the needs of people, empower people.
Development administration has two concepts administration of development and administrative development. Administrative development is increasing and improving the capabilities of administrative system. It involves modernization of administrative structure, capabilities of personnel, attitudinal and behavioral changes among the administrators.

I've been separated from my husband for twenty nine year I'm still legally married? The marriage is in the state of California.


I've been separated from my husband for twenty nine year I'm still legally married? The marriage is in the state of California.


Unless you went through the formalities of ending your marriage through the courts, you remain married.

I recently ( 6 months ago) signed a trust deed back to the lender(private party). The property was a rental and was occupied when the proper...


I recently ( 6 months ago) signed a trust deed back to the lender(private party). The property was a rental and was occupied when the property went back to the lender. I took the security deposit and the tenants are

Moving out and want the deposit back from me. Am I legally responsible for the return of the deposit?


Your question is confusing. I'm going to explain why it is confusing, and then try to answer what I think you mean.

A deed of trust is also called a trust deed, but it has nothing to do with a trust that is used to avoid probate in estate planning. It is a security device that is used in California in place of a mortgage. The owner of the property is called the trustor, and grants a power of sale and a power to recovey to a trustee, who holds bare naked title to the property, on behalf of a beneficiary, who is the lender. The deed of trust/ trust deed acts as a lien as security for repayment of a loan or satisfaction of an underlying obligation.

When you state that you signed a trust deed, that just means you secured a loan. I think you mean that you had a deed of trust, that you were in default, and that you signed a deed in lieu of foreclosure. In that situation, you avoid foreclosure by simply deeding your interest to the lender.

If you have the security deposit, and have not transferred it, you are responsible for refunding the security deposit.


Mr Roach is correct, when you transferred the rental property, you should have transferred the rental deposits. Since you did not, you,owe them the money... It not your money to keep

If you have a tax id number how do you get a tax id card?

If you have a tax id number how do you get a tax id card?
There is no such a thing "Tax ID Card". IRS issues a confirmation letter only. Call IRS to get the best Answer

Telephone Assistance for Individuals:
Toll-Free, 1-800-829-1040
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. your local time (Alaska & Hawaii follow Pacific Time).Telephone Assistance for Businesses:
Toll-Free, 1-800-829-4933
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. your local time (Alaska & Hawaii follow Pacific Time).

i was involved in an auto accident the person who hit me did not have insurance. what happens now?


i was involved in an auto accident the person who hit me did not have insurance. what happens now?


You file a claim with your insurance company, covered by your uninsured motorist coverage. If you didn't have insurance at the time of the accident, then you pay for the damage yourself and try to sue the driver (and good luck with that... if they didn't have insurance, they probably don't have any assets to recover either).

What is financial self fulfilling prophecy?

What is financial self fulfilling prophecy?
A self-fulfilling prophecy essentially is that what you have convinced yourself is going to happen in your life is more likely going to happen. This notion applied not just to finances but to relationships, a job, attending school, etc. If you believe you aren't good enough to have a warm, close, intimate relationship you will subconsciously do things that ruin relationships. Same is true with finances. If you truly don't believe you deserve to have a stable financial life or that having lots of money is wrong you are more likely to make decisions that will sabotage making or saving money. You may whine and complain about not have enough money but your subconscious belief system overrides what you say you want.

I believe my husband may be sabotaging his employment with the hopes of replacing it with an under-the-table job. How do I protect myself fr...

What are my rights as a california homebuyer, if during the final walkthrough I find that sellers have not maintained the property?


What are my rights as a california homebuyer, if during the final walkthrough I find that sellers have not maintained the property?


The only way to answer the question one has to look at the contract and escrow instructions.

Timing may be important so you should have an attorney look at it asap. Your realtor may be able to give you advice in this area also.

My office number is 818 345-0123

our web site is gertzandlaurie.com

A convergent question for a visual question?

A convergent question for a visual question?
Dude that's not even a question

What is the meaning of the proverb its better to be alone than in bad company with examples?

What is the meaning of the proverb its better to be alone than in bad company with examples?
Because bad company can and does lead one astray.

Can you work before and after school?

Can you work before and after school?
It depends on your age and locale. If your school/state has work permits,and you are old enough, yes. Check with Guidance office. I worked full time at 16 in HS.

My co trustee signed contracts all legal documents that brought a trust property to close of sale then I was threatened with a law suit ...


My co trustee signed contracts & all legal documents that brought a trust property to close of sale & then I was threatened with a law suit & extremely bullied if I did not sign to close the sale.

I spent 475.00 on a real estate attorney to review all documents & was put through living he** by the title company, my co trustee, the buyer & agent (rep. both buyer & seller) to have these documents reviewed. My co trustee went as far as to refuse to release the documents to the attorney at 1st. I had been aware an offer & 1 cost sheet estimate & the co trustee that lives out of state set up DocuSign with the agent & signed all documents without my knowledge. I'm sure legal lines were crossed, I was caused personal damage & the trust put at risk by these actions. What legal recourse do I have?


As co-trustee, you must act in concert with each other. So, if one refuses to act, there can be no action taken. The trust agreement should provide for you to retain legal counsel and accounting professionals to advise you, at the expense of the trust. If the trust is being put at risk, you are duty bound to take action to protect the trust estate, and you should avail yourself of counsel to perform your duties.

Hello All,I have the scenario below that I have to overcome and not sure the correct path(s) to take to get things rolling with as few hitch...

A person committed a serious crime and was offered a plea bargain of ten years. He refused the offer and was ultimately sentenced to 52 year...


A person committed a serious crime and was offered a plea bargain of ten years. He refused the offer and was ultimately sentenced to 52 years to life.

This guy is a little off kilter mentally. He is essentially being sentenced to life in prison (he will be over 100 years of age at his earliest parole opportunity) He didn't have a prayer of being found not guilty and should have taken the plea. I don't believe that he understood the seriousness of his predicament.

I know there are movements to exonerate prisoners through DNA testing that was not available at their time of conviction and in fact men who have served many years were later found to be innocent. I wonder if there is any such relief available for someone such as this individual who I feel has been heavily penalized for insisting on a trial?

His name is Joseph Kruppenbacher. He is incarcerated at Clinton Correctional in New York.


There are motions that can be made regarding whether or not he understood the possibilities if he did not take the plea bargain. Usually it is up to the judge and to his attorney to be sure that he understood this before he rejected the plea. lIf his attorney did not advice him of the possibility of jail time if he refused the plea, there can be a motion made with him stating that he did not understand. However, the longer ago this happened the less likelihood of success.

My boyfriend is facing prison for a spat we got in my daughter called the police cus he threw a can at my leg. yes it was wrong but not as b...


My boyfriend is facing prison for a spat we got in my daughter called the police cus he threw a can at my leg. yes it was wrong but not as bad as seemed my daughter dosnt like him so was looking for any way to get him she kinda mean that way anyway can i have charges droped we havew a 3 yr restraining order i know he wont violate just dont think he deserves to go to prison


I am not clear where you are in the court process. The answer for the question I think you're asking is - the state (the District Attorney's office) can "take over" and prosecute anyway even if the alleged victim, or witness, changes her story and/or recants her testimony.

Anyone's advice would be to get a good attorney. Find one who regularly practices in the court in which the case is being heard, will be heard or has been heard. Good luck!


Police don't arrest and charge people for a 'spat'. They do so upon victim complaints and evidence of assault, battery and violence. Once you called the police, someone was going to jail, and someone was going to be charged with a crime. That is what happened. That is firm policy for police and prosecutors and courts. They ignore the tearful victim later pleading for their lovely kind gentle spouse who wouldn't hurt a fly. They tired years ago of dropping charges because of such pleas, only to regularly discover the victim was subsequently beaten to a pulp or killed by that same lovely kind gentle spouse. That is what too frequently happens. The prosecutor is going to seek conviction regardless of your change of mind. Hire him a good attorney if you want to help him try to avoid prison. If serious about doing so, and you want counsel experienced in this, feel free to contact me.

"Hi, I have a serious problem about my uncle and my cousin who is being abused. My uncle is trying to help my cousin who is being abused by ...


"Hi, I have a serious problem about my uncle and my cousin who is being abused. My uncle is trying to help my cousin who is being abused by her biological mother and father. She was sent to a mental facility because she was being forced to go to her aunts who she said also abused her and I was told that she slammed her head in the wall and is now in a mental facility. My cousin is not crazy and needs help now. No one believes her with her biological mother saying she is lying. My family needs help now.


Someone needs to call Child Line and have the information reported to the proper Children and Youth agency. The person making such a report is considered a confidential informant. That is the only people outside of Children and Youth who will learn the identity of the caller is the District Attorney and the judge hearing the case.



Need to know where in PA they are to determine if I can help you.

Best wishesto you.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

I submitted a dispute of charges with my previous landlord on the 20th of last month. I have called atleast twice leaving a message with a p...


I submitted a dispute of charges with my previous landlord on the 20th of last month. I have called atleast twice leaving a message with a person the first time and a machine the second. They still have not contacted me to discuss things either way. How long till they forfeit a case of does this linger till they are ready to handle it?


You submitted "a dispute of charges" to whom or what and where? And who

might this "they" be?

Without clarifications to the above, your question makes no sense and therefore is essentially unanswerable.

We have $45000 in credit card debt and own our home. Can the credit card companies make us sell our home to pay the debt?


We have $45000 in credit card debt and own our home. Can the credit card companies make us sell our home to pay the debt?


You do not post enough details. Is this $45,000 in total debt? Or $45,000 on one card? How is the house titled? As husband and wife? What is the value of the home? Is it mortgaged? Whose name is the credit card debt in? Just your? Just spouse? Or both?

Depending on the answers, probably not if the home is mortgaged OR if the home is owned as a tenancy-by-the-entireties and the debt is only against one spouse. However, the debt will be a lien on the home if a judgment is entered.

PA provides no other specific homestead protection unlike some other states.

You do need to think about dealing with the debt in some way. Email me at [email protected]/* */ if you are interested in discussing more specifics.

When the yield curve is upward sloping generally a financial manager would a utilize long-term financing b utilize short-term financing c wait for future financing d lease?

When the yield curve is upward sloping generally a financial manager would a utilize long-term financing b utilize short-term financing c wait for future financing d lease?

Why is a juggler's hat split in two?

Why is a juggler's hat split in two?
2 are better than one

Do I have to give notice to move out of my apartment in connecticut? Or can I just move out when my lease expires?


Do I have to give notice to move out of my apartment in connecticut? Or can I just move out when my lease expires?


You can just move out, but if you want to get your security deposit back, you should notify the landlord to schedule a walk-through inspection. In any event, be sure to take lots of photos of every room, kitchen, stove refrigerator, bathroom, etc. so there will be no question regarding damages. The landlord has to return the deposit (less any legitimate claim for damages) within 30 days of your notifying him in writing of your new address.

In California, if one property management company takes over a property for another, can they enforce previous late fees?


In California, if one property management company takes over a property for another, can they enforce previous late fees?


It depends. If the property management company is also the owner and there is a new owner, then maybe, depending on the terms of the transaction between the buyer and seller. Most likely the assets, including payments owed, were sold with the property, but not always. If the company is just a managing agent, then of course they can enforce them. The fees are owed to the landlord. That doesn't change just because the owner changes agents.

Why is your 2001 intrepid not shifting into park?

Why is your 2001 intrepid not shifting into park?
could be a sheered parking pin inside the transmission or the shifter linkage needs adjusting either way best left to a transmission shop is not to fimiliar with automatic transmissions

The 2nd famous city in brasil?

The 2nd famous city in brasil?
The three largest cities in Brazil, and most important for various reasons are:Brasilia (The Capital)Rio de Janeiro Sao Paolo

What jobs are there for 15 a year old in San Rafael CA?

What jobs are there for 15 a year old in San Rafael CA?
Ur mum

What are the release dates for Unsealed Conspiracy Files - 2012 H-A-A-R-P- 1-6?

What are the release dates for Unsealed Conspiracy Files - 2012 H-A-A-R-P- 1-6?
Unsealed Conspiracy Files - 2012 H-A-A-R-P- 1-6 was released on:

USA: 27 October 2012

What is 11522 in words?

What is 11522 in words?
Eleven Thousand Five Hundred and Twenty Two

My rental agreement says the lessor/owner agrees to pay water, sewer and trash services. I, the resident/lessee, agree to pay gas electric...


My rental agreement says the lessor/owner agrees to pay water, sewer and trash services. I, the resident/lessee, agree to pay gas & electric services based on occupancy of the premises. I chose the electricity provider (a water & power company) suggested by the property manager. My first electric bill includes a charge for "waste management" and "sewer service". Am I legally justified in deducting these charges from my rent if the property manager refuses to reimburse me?


You probably ought to talk with them first. I personally can't see where anyone has a choice in a water provider or sewer service. If all you are supposed to pay is electric only hook up electric, ... My guess is that there is only one provider available but I doubt you can be reimbursed, and deductions? probably not unless what you are aping for is what the LL truly pays for,,, you need to discuss this with the utility company and the manager, if you use self help through deductions with out clarity, you may find your self on the bad end of an unlawful detainer cas.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

In Florida,if it states in the will "I hereby give and grant unto my said Personal Representative, full power and authority to exchange, con...


In Florida,if it states in the will "I hereby give and grant unto my said Personal

Representative, full power and authority to exchange, convey and sell any property

belonging to my estate without any order of Court, and upon such terms and at such

price as to his discretion shall seem advisable", does the will still have to be probated

by the court? Are there any circumstances where the will would not have to go through the court process? Thank you.


The will must be probated. In order to transfer assets owned only by the decedent, a probate is needed.

I own a home that is secured by a mortgage. I would like to sell the home to my daughter and husband and be the mrtgage holder. Is this poss...


I own a home that is secured by a mortgage. I would like to sell the home to my daughter and husband and be the mrtgage holder. Is this possible and what legal requirements would there be for me as the mortgage holder? Is there another alternative where I can just add them to the deed and refinance the mortgage for a greater amount so that they could pay me from the set price for sale without me as an obligor on the loan?


there are many questions which can best be answered in person. Is there a gift of equity involved? Are you paying off the first mortgage or is your mortgage a second? Will the lender call the loan under the due upon sale clause? Please call my office to set up an appointment.

What is the pin code of Colombo?

What is the pin code of Colombo?

What number is in between 26 and 29?

What number is in between 26 and 29?
are a few of the infinite range of numbers that exist between 26and 29.

Who was naciens?

Who was naciens?
Naciens was a holy hermit that had introduced Sir Galahad to King Arthur's Round Table!!

Attn: CAMERON,We spoke a few weeks back. I was going to be ordering Docs Combo for the second time. You said that you would send free the Du...



We spoke a few weeks back. I was going to be ordering Docs Combo for the second time. You said that you would send free the Durable Power of Attorney Immediately for California to me. You said to send you a message.

[email protected]/* */

Mike Beurer (Shelley Beurer)


This is not the way to send a message to the documents part of LawGuru. This sends questions to attorneys throughout California who volunteer their time to answer substantive questions on California law. We have no way to answer questions about the documents part of the site, and we have no way to forward messages to them.

Sound money - a Dutch treat By Walter Eltis?

Sound money - a Dutch treat By Walter Eltis?
try searching " Professor of Commerce "

I want to ADD my married last name to my sons last name(currently his fathers). His father is not my husband and nor was he ever. His father...


I want to ADD my married last name to my sons last name(currently his fathers). His father is not my husband and nor was he ever. His father does not pay his ordered child support. We live in Iowa. Can I do this without having to go to court and his permission?


If it represents a name change be safe and hire an attorney to handle this.

Our divorce was finalized and my husband got our home. How long do I have to move out?


Our divorce was finalized and my husband got our home. How long do I have to move out?


Depending upon how the Order was worded, you could have up to a month.

Good luck

What is the starting salary of telecommunication engineer in Pakistan?

What is the starting salary of telecommunication engineer in Pakistan?
50k to 80k

Does a plaintiff have to serve copies of discovery requests to one defendant, on all defendants,


Does a plaintiff have to serve copies of discovery requests to one defendant, on all defendants,


You are required to send a copy to all parties of any type of pleading, discovery or communications that might go to the court.




The things that must be served on every party in the case or their attorney if they have one are: 1. Any and all discovery requests and responses; 2. Anything filed with the court; and 3. Any other communication with the court that is not purely administrative communications with the court clerk's office. As with most things legal there are some exceptions in special circumstances, but that's basically it.


Yes, you have to serve copies to other defendants, if they have appeared in the action.

My six sisters and I own a house, left to us by my mother, and I am the exexcutor of this estate. I have been paying all the taxes and insur...


My six sisters and I own a house, left to us by my mother, and I am the exexcutor of this estate. I have been paying all the taxes and insurance, while they contribute nothing, don't answer my certified letters, and are out of my life, by their choice. Now the roof of that house has to be repaired or the home owner insurance will not cover us anymore, and I can't afford this repair, so can I leave the house uncovered by insurance and just sell it? Also, if I don't pay the taxes anymore, and the tax office puts it for sale, would they be able to buy it for the tax debt alone? Please give me some advice... I am sick with anxiety. Thank you.


As the executor of the Estate, you have the right to sell the house at the fair market value, which would be less if there are alot of repairs that would be assumed by the buyer. After reimbursement to you of all bills, and assuming the other assets of the estate have been dealt with, all heirs would then receive whatever they are entitled to under the will. You should seek the advice of counsel on this.

Keep in mind that this answer is given based on the scanty information you have provided. My answer may change based on other information. Further, you cannot rely on this answer since you have not retained me as your attorney. To be sure that you have accurate information and direction, you should consult with an attorney. Feel free to call me at 856-546-8010. Mention Law Guru and your first consultation will be "no charge". Good luck. Rob Gleaner


I agree with Bob, but to be on the safe side, you might want to seek instructions from the Court. If you do not keep the house insured, you are at risk if there is a loss. My quick suggestion is to sell the house in "as is" condition getting the best price you can for it, and then settling the estate as called for in the Will. You are entitled to be reimbursed for all costs you incurred to maintain the house. I suggest you retain an attorney familiar with these matters and his fee would be paid from the estate. This is a response to an Internet question and the reply is not intended to be legal advice or as creating an attorney-client relationship.